Kalmbach Organic Feed


5 Years
Mar 17, 2014
Waxhaw, NC
Has anyone tried Kalmbach organic layer pellets? The last mention of Kalmbach on this site was in 2008. I just ordered a bag off Amazon.
Honestly, just based on what I've seen on their website, I would say avoid this feed.

The very first thing I noticed was that their grower ration had significantly less protein than their layer ration. Never a good sign. It usually means they haven't got a clue what they're doing. Grower should always contain more protein than layer, and yet their grower is 16% and their layer is 20% - those values should be opposite each other.

The second thing is that not only do they have any nutritional information on their website beyond the protein percentage, their FAQ specifically states they will not give out any information regarding their ingredients. Now that strikes me as a HUGE red flag. I mean, yeah, they've got some top secret recipe. Bully for them. But what it also means is that you have no idea what you're feeding your chickes - are the ingredients local? Are they balanced? Does it contain meat proteins?
I use manna pro organic feed, more reputable tho it's pricey. Or settle for Purina's Layena w/ 300 omega.

x2. Honestly I'm not a big fan of either Manna Pro or Purina (especially not Purina...), but I definitely would use them before I use something from a company that won't even disclose it's ingredients. That said, if you want a real high quality feed, I'd go Scratch and Peck. Stunning stuff, the only other brand I'd ever consider giving my flock full-time besides Bar Ale. Shame they don't sell BA on amazon or I'd recommend it to everyone.

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