Keep your fingers crossed for me Please!

Farmin Momma

7 Years
Feb 18, 2012
Mill Creek, Wa
I have recently posted about my 3 new 8 month old hens and one rooster that I got for free. Earlier today I noticed that the 3 hens were outside of their yard ( all the chickens come out all the time and get back in when they want to) The frist thing that came to my mind is Uh oh, I have to go get those babies back with the group or they will get lost. Now first of all I should have listend to myself
, and the reason I though this is because these ones are very sweet, more than any of my others. They just seem like helpless lil babies. Well it appears that I was right. I went to do my night check and they were the only ones not there!

I am really hoping they found a good hiding spot and that they show up in the morning
! I am so bumbed! I really hope they are ok.
Those three girls I have had for a 4 days now. But they came back this morning!
I have no idea where they were hiding but I will make sure they don't do that again. I will go out earlier to tuck them in for bed!
I would recommend keeping them inside their coop for at least a week so they understand where they live. Don't let them out at all. Then after the week let them out for a few hours before dusk. They should return to the coop. Keep an eye on them and make sure they don't roost under bushes. This should get them acclimated.

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