Keeping a Clean Coop in a Small Space


Jan 1, 2018


I’m looking for a way to keep my coop clean with such a small space. There’s a gravel flooring, which I sprinkle some hay on top, but so much poop builds up that it becomes a mountain. How do you maintain the cleanliness of your coop? I’ve heard that some people use sand.. looking for any and all suggestions. These pictures are of the run in my coop.
Where are you located; weather conditions, time zone, predator possibilities
I prefer using shavings and do a modified DLM, poop board/PDZ and FF. I just scoop the poop from the poop board in the mornings, PDZ is the litter in it, pick up any big poop off the shavings, keep adding more shavings as needed. FF = firmer poop, no smell except the cecal, less poop & healthy.
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I’m looking for a way to keep my coop clean with such a small space. There’s a gravel flooring, which I sprinkle some hay on top, but so much poop builds up that it becomes a mountain. How do you maintain the cleanliness of your coop? I’ve heard that some people use sand.. looking for any and all suggestions. These pictures are of the run in my coop.
How many birds do you have in that coop/run and how many square feet is it?

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