Keeping Chickens Free Range

I'm a full time college student and I have four mature hens. I let them out of the coop in the early morning just before I leave for class, and give them around 1 1/2 - 2 cups of layer crumble scattered about their run to keep them busy and to hold them over in terms of eating until I return home, between 1-2 pm, in which I then let them free range my property (with supervision) until close to dusk on most days. I have a large yard and an enormous field totalling around 15 to 20 square acres. Only problem is, the main yard is right on the road and people tend to fly down it high speeds, so I have to do my best to heard them away from there. Also I'm not too comfortable with letting them wander into my field, my property is very large and open and it is the perfect opportunity for aerial attacks. Nontheless, the girls love it and it saves tons of money on feed costs.
I always supervise so ours don't go into the neighbors' yards and in case of predators. No problems yet!

My chicks picture showed up on my next door neighbors FACEBOOK. Apparently they came over often, even posing for the photo shoot. Yesterday, I caught them across the road at another neighbor's house. They are grounded in the run today.
I lost two to an unknown predator recently in broad daylight, right out front of the house with my dogs on guard... Must have been a hawk or similar critter... Locked in the pen and ticked at me for the meantime....
I was a warm day today so my babies had their first adventure at roaming free in the yard. I had been taking them out for a couple hours in a cage so the rest of my flock could get introduced. So today I just left the cage door open to see what they would do and they love it and there isn't no problem catching them they have already wandered back to their cage.

I was a warm day today so my babies had their first adventure at roaming free in the yard. I had been taking them out for a couple hours in a cage so the rest of my flock could get introduced. So today I just left the cage door open to see what they would do and they love it and there isn't no problem catching them they have already wandered back to their cage.

they are beautiful and look so happy!
I started letting mine out yesterday. I'm in southern ct and the weather turned toward spring on March 7th (I applaud precision). I waited another week so that some of the snow would melt off but finally I could see they were DYING in their coop after two months and knowing its spring seemed to be crushing for them. They are skinny after two months contained in a coop I couldn't clean because it was too frigid to be outdoors at all. They survived three "artic blasts" and ten (TEN) snow falls 6"+ ... I am watching them from the window, so happy to see their chicken joy. Ahhhhhh .... !!!
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I keep all my chickens free range. I love watching them scratch and peck in the garden, looking for bugs to eat! I let them out each morning, and since I've been letting them out, they haven't needed as much chicken feed. I think free range is the way to go.

My two Brahma girls, Tilly and Cherry.
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Since it has warmed up I was out in the yard cleaning and getting ready for spring planting and I have one hen that loves to eat that follows me everywhere.if I'm raking I have to wait til she's done with that spot or I will be raking her up. I just love my chickens being free range.
Last year I was just getting started on my adventure with my chickens and this year they have all made it thru their first winter and I have one broody hen who hatched her first egg and I added three more little ones in with her so she would have a bigger family. I have doubled my flock from last year and my family wants me to get more ducks also. But there is never a dull moment around the yard when you are free ranging your flock. I love them all.

"Ah, No, Ma, we didn't get ANYWHERE NEAR the truck's HOT exhaust while Daddy was working on it, HONEST!.....Uh, What made you ask?"
***Way to go, Hannah. I do too. My kids, save the eldest Roo, are in the tree closest to the back porch, for the night. I turned over a stack of straw filled tires today ( I grow potatoes in them) and my kids were all over it! HAD SO many grasshoppers out here before I brought home my chickens......
May get in trouble for this BUT; I think the predators feel the Human fear that chickens will get eaten, so they go for it, as they have for centuries? Hunting by 'feeling' prey, fear? When we accept and let fear fall away, predators haven't AS STRONG as the instinct to zoom in....

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