Keeping Chickens Free Range

I've just been letting my chickens out while I am with them. It is AMAZING that at about the same time each night, they gather near the coop. Always the same order going in with Clover the EE leading the way!

Once the birds know that the coop is home they usually put themselves 2 bed. My hens also go back in from where they're ranging to lay in the nest boxes also.
I'm standing by with bated breath to see if my girls make their way back into the coop after 2 days of lock down. I put in the decoy eggs today too. Hopefully, they go into the coop unassisted and start laying eggs in their nesting boxes :) Although, I think I have a few more weeks to go before eggs.
What's your predator's MO?

What ever it is picks off the birds in broad daylight. Leaves no feathers and no trace of the birds, they are just gone.

I am assuming it is coyote or fox. My normal problems are eagles but they leave feathers and do not take full size birds. This thing even took one of my old roosters, A huge one.
What ever it is picks off the birds in broad daylight. Leaves no feathers and no trace of the birds, they are just gone.

I am assuming it is coyote or fox. My normal problems are eagles but they leave feathers and do not take full size birds. This thing even took one of my old roosters, A huge one.

So very sorry to hear this. You must be right; a coyote or fox could carry the hen away.
I got my chickens at 4 weeks old. They went to the coop outside at 6 weeks old. I kept them locked in the coop for 24 hours and then let them into their run. They always went back inside the coop at night and I locked the coop at about 9 PM. They are now 25 weeks old, except for the rooster who is a year old. Today, I decided to let 8/9 hens free range (1 of them is injured) and my rooster. They are staying pretty close to their run. The door to the run is kept open at all times so they can go back to the coop when they want. The coop is where their food and water is kept. Here are my questions on free ranging:

1) Will they go back to the coop at night to roost?
2) Will they know that their food & water is in the coop and they must go back to get it?
3) What if one wanders away from the group and gets lost in the forest behind my house? Is that even a possibility with my rooster on guard?
4) The neighbor has 2 free range chickens that are often in my yard and I enjoy them very much. Martha & Henrietta (neighbor's chickens) spend much of their time hanging around the run of my chickens. Will they be accepted into my flock or will my flock and them fight? I don't want Martha or Henrietta injured or killed by my chickens. I've already seen the rooster go after one, but I think he was trying to mate with it. Also, if they are accepted into my flock, will Martha & Henrietta follow them into the coop at night?
5) I am worried about predators as I have 5 acres of land, 4 of which are forest. I have seen raccoons in broad day light (they have been taken care of) so that means coyotes and foxes could also come in day light to take my chickens. Do I need to worry?
It is always a risk when free ranging. I lost one here and one there my first year, until one stormy morning when I lost all 6 at once sometime between 7 and 8 am. You just never know.
Once the birds know that the coop is home they usually put themselves 2 bed. My hens also go back in from where they're ranging to lay in the nest boxes also.

That is what I hope! The independent hen is getting better going into the coop. We are supposed to "supervise" our chickens if they are in the yard in our city. And I would be devastated to loose one to a predator. So I will try to be with them.

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