Keeping Chickens Free Range

I disagree we need predators, there is more then just your flock that need managing. Rabbits without predators quickly become a nuisance. We do however need to keep the predator population down (humans took away coyotes, racoon's, and foxes population control when we eliminated the bears, wolves, and many large cats). Nature is not clumsy, it is very elegant in its precision. Humans tend to go over board and make a mess of things. I live very close to nature and have a decent respect for it.
Now yes, if a fox (racoon's is more likely here) comes into my territory, I will shoot it without hesitation. We have rabies in the area, so we take a zero tolerance approach to any nocturnal animal out during the day, whether in our yard or surrounding area. But there is a place for raccoons, foxes, and coyotes.
rabbits are good eating. I can't say i NEED help controlling a rabbit population and if i did there are better ways to do it than with having wild killers living near me.

Rabbits are delicious, but they are also prolific. Just anyone in Australia.
A) I use zip ties like they are going out of style

B) I have lots of runs with game bird netting over them. I get it from Amazon, It lasts several years even with my snow load here. making it cheaper in the long wrong than the cheap 7 ft stuff. I use 10ft widths and 50 ft widths depending on pen size. I buy the netting then make the pen the size the netting is. ...It is cut in China and seldom the same size or the size you order. I just live with it.

c) I would shoot every predator I have around here. I have too many. 1 is too many. I am not a natural ecosystem I am a farm. I control the prey and the predators. I have made the ecosystem so unnatural that a natural predator screws it all up..
A)  I use zip ties like they are going out of style

B) I have lots of runs with game bird netting over them. I get it from Amazon, It lasts several years even with my snow load here. making it cheaper in the long wrong than the cheap 7 ft stuff.   I use 10ft widths and 50 ft widths depending on pen size. I buy the netting then make the pen the size the netting is. ...It is cut in China and seldom the same size or the size you order. I just live with it.

c) I would shoot every predator I have around here. I have too many. 1 is too many. I am not a natural ecosystem I am a farm.  I control the prey and the predators.  I have made the ecosystem so unnatural that a natural predator screws it all up..

We are a farm. We have wild turkeys that tear up our fields, overpopulation of deer that eat our new wheat, geese are a menace. Coyotes keep those populations in check, I respect that. I keep the coyotes population in check. Any animal without a predator can become a nuisance, I cannot devote every waking moment controlling my rabbit population. We do hunt our turkeys and deer, and even our rabbits, but me alone is not enough.
rabbits are good eating. I can't say i NEED help controlling a rabbit population and if i did there are better ways to do it than with having wild killers living near me.

I am not here to get into an argument but at the end of the day, Humans have an idea of superiority, we cannot kill anything and everything that we decide is worthless or unnecessary because every single organism has a unique and valuable role to play. It is our responsibility as owners to either provide a safe inclosed run OR accept the fact that chickens, like any animal, are part of a valuable network and we have to respect and honour that.
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We are a farm. We have wild turkeys that tear up our fields, overpopulation of deer that eat our new wheat, geese are a menace. Coyotes keep those populations in check, I respect that. I keep the coyotes population in check. Any animal without a predator can become a nuisance, I cannot devote every waking moment controlling my rabbit population. We do hunt our turkeys and deer, and even our rabbits, but me alone is not enough.

I understand that. I have my own deer problems. But I do not want deer predators, I would rather fight the deer. BUT I am not raising acres and acres of a cash crop either.
I am not here to get into an argument but at the end of the day, Humans have an idea of superiority, we cannot kill anything and everything that we decide is worthless or unnecessary because every single organism has a unique and valuable role to play. It is our responsibility as owners to either provide a safe inclosed run OR accept the fact that chickens, like any animal, are part of a valuable network and we have to respect and honour that.

I have a feeling we are coming from different places and completely different ecosystems. I will free range and I will do whatever I can to eliminate the predators, but I also accept I will have losses.
I am not here to get into an argument but at the end of the day, Humans have an idea of superiority, we cannot kill anything and everything the we decide because every single organism has a unique and valuable role to play. It is our responsibility as owners to either provide a safe inclosed run OR accept the fact that chickens, like any animal, are part of a valuable network and we have to respect and honour that. 
you have to understand then thata fox had no respect for the lives of my birds. Respect is an artificial human construct. In top of that it had little tono value. Its contributions are nothing more than am attempt to control a population of animals i am already in control of and doing a much better job at it to boot.
Quote: They are awesome. The biggest thing is it's so easy to pound in a t-post and drag over a panel. No post hole digging, concrete, stretching fence, and you can reconfigure any time. We've generally used the UV-protected black zipties to attach the panels to the posts-- the zipties have lasted for 5+ years in our old place. You can cut panels into shorter lengths with bolt cutters so you can build in gates (we find that cutting the gate piece large enough to overlap the closure 8-12" is a good way to ensure the gate has better security, and we use straw-bale twine or 14g galvanized wire to wrap/make hinges). And trellising, and structures... and and... truly wonderful medium! :) Oh, and curves! You can make curves with them in the landscape, really a nice effect.

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you have to understand then thata fox had no respect for the lives of my birds. Respect is an artificial human construct. In top of that it had little tono value. Its contributions are nothing more than am attempt to control a population of animals i am already in control of and doing a much better job at it to boot.

A fox isn't going to 'respect' your birds because they are a food source for him, you can't put them in front of him and expect him not to hunt them, that is like putting a kid in a candy shop. It isn't fair. You are controlling the rabbit population to want YOU, as a human, feel is acceptable, but the world isn't all about humans.

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