Keeping chickens safe during wildfire?


6 Years
Mar 11, 2017
Thankfully, I don’t live near the fire. However, smoke has blown down from Canada and the AQI gets worse by the minute. I can’t bring my chickens in, how can I keep them safe?

The title of this post is a bit misleading as the fire itself isn’t a concern at all - just the smoke. I live several hundred miles away from Canada. :hmm
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Just make sure they have plenty of water. We are dealing with it where I am as well. It's awful and, sadly, it sounds like it could go on for quite a while longer.
I’m sorry to hear. I topped off their waterer and sprayed some water in the yard to clear the air a bit - I think the towel scared them out of the coop haha. Hoping things clear up soon.
I'm keeping a close eye on my flock, too. They aren't showing signs of distress. I'm more worried about my husband!

My youngest son and I are staying inside in the AC because we're both asthmatic.

One of my chickens is sat inside and only comes out when I go check on her. I’m really worried for her :(

I'd suggest minimal disturbance so that she won't over-exert and need more oxygen than usual. That's my policy in scorching heat too.
I have given my ducks plenty of fresh water and they seem to be doing fine with the air that is not good at this point. I think as long as our flocks are healthy they should be alright. It might affect the sickly or aged ones however. We have no rain in sight and haven't for a few weeks. We might get some Sunday if we are lucky, then you have poor Texas that got enough for all of us. It's been a crazy Spring as by the Calendar Summer isn't even here yet! Good luck everyone with your flocks, about all we can do is pray that they all stay well as I have no place to put 20 ducks unless I want thrown out of the house and homeless myself, lol.
I did not have chickens last time there was smoke, but did have other animals.
I don't think there is much one can do, except make sure they have good water and food that isn't contaminated. (maybe change it more often)
I will say though, that none of our cats, horses, G pigs, and goats seemed to suffer any problems from it, and it was real thick. (so dark all the night time animals started singing)

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