Keeping Chicks 2 weeks apart in same brooder?

So I'm new at having chicks myself, when I first got chickens last year I got pullets that were large enough to go straight into their coop. I got 2 three day old chicks on Saturday and will be getting 2 more three day old chicks this Thursday, 5 days later. From reading the comments here it sounds like I can put all 4 in the same brooder without a partition separating them and they will be ok? I really don't want to have two brooders going!

Also, my plan for the new 4 to enter the already established flock of 3. My grown girls are getting a brand new, beautiful coop and I was going to put my new girls in the old coop right out side the new run. I was planing on keeping the new girls in the older coop for a couple of weeks and then sneaking them in with their older sisters at night. Does anyone have any other suggestions for introducing them? Or this even a good came plan?

Thanks for all the great information!!

I was wondering about this too. I have 5 auracauna chicks that are around 1 week old. I am getting 6-8 more thursday and they'll only be a day or two old. I have the 5 chicks in a baby pool brooder but I'm moving them out to a 4' x 8' brooder this week. I hope everyone gets along ok.

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