Keeping chicks inside


May 4, 2015
Prairieville, Louisiana
horrible weather here in Louisiana and i know ill have to bring my chickadees back inside before nightfall. They didnt really seem to like being inside, whats the longest they could safely be inside before issues arise? Also since they cant peck for fresh buggies, should i buy mealworms live to add a few to food every now and again until back outside?
If you setup a brooder, you can keep them inside weeks/months. They aren't used to it, so it will be an adjustment.

The main thing is high enough walls to keep them in (cardboard around the sides) with some type of bedding (pine shavings?), warmth (an incandescent bulb or grow light) and light/food/water during the day. As for food, I'd recommend feeding mostly grower crumbles rather than unbalanced treats.

Good luck with the storm.

Edit- Sorry, I interpreted chickadees as chicks. If you have full-grown chickens, then you can still construct a temporary enclosure inside. They won't be used to it, but they may be safer than outside in a serious storm.
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