Keeping ducks out of nest boxes


10 Years
Mar 31, 2009
Southern Vermont
I have three Mallards living along with my chickens. They spend most of the time out in the run, and only go inside here and there to harass the younger chickens who haven't figured out the outside yet. I've basically made it my policy that if they are in the coop when I go to lock up for the night, they stay in. If they are out, then they spend the night in the run (usually floating in their pool).

The problem I'm having is that they are sleeping in the nesting boxes. I have a webcam setup in the coop, and I'm watching two of the three kicking out all of the shavings as I type this. I'd really hate to have to chase them out every night, since once winter hits, I think it's only fair that they can come in with everyone else. On the other hand, I would really like to keep the nest boxes as clean as possible.

Any thoughts on a way to keep the ducks out of the boxes?
Unfortunately I can't. They are built into the wall of the coop.

I went up and shooed them out of the boxes, and they are now sleeping on the floor. Maybe after a few weeks of that they'll learn to keep out.

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