Keeping Flock In Certain Area?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 26, 2013
Hawkins, Texas
So we free range our chickens all day. For the last month or two (as long as we have had them) they have always stayed close to the coop. As of late they seem scared to be around the coop during the day. While they used to eat around the coop, they are now over in different parts of the property, sometimes sitting in our driveway out front (close to the road). Is it natural for them to just migrate around looking for fresh things to scratch at? Also, is there any way to keep them around the coop naturally? All their food is there, they do mostly (1-3 may not) go back to the coop at night. I dont know if I am just scared of losing them in areas I can not watch them or not. Hope this made some sort of sense...
My chickens will often run from the coop when I open the doors as well. I find that my chickies have a couple of favorite places that they like to free range around to, and likewise most of these spots are away from the coop. Unless you are worried about cars, neighbors dogs, predator birds, etc. I wouldn't worry too much. They know where they want to go and what they are looking for. Are they free ranging all day? Or do you just let them out in the evening after they have laid their eggs? That's what I do and I find it works well as they don't have as much time to wander super far before dark. Good luck to you!
I let them out all day. I tried keeping them in part of the day when we first got them, but they looked so darned unhappy. :-(
Thanks for the input!
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