Keeping goose inside during fireworks...what is the least messy way?


Free Ranging
16 Years
Aug 16, 2007
Louisville, Kentucky
I moved to the city...and my goose who is 15 years old, will be stressed hearing the fireworks because they will be closer than ever. I should have planned ahead, but I want to go to a motel myself with my two dogs but don't want to leave my goose alone with all that racket so wanted to put her in the basement. I was thinking as soon as it turned dark, taking her down there and putting her in the crate I brought her in. Since it will be really dark, will she slow down on the pooping I don't know. What kind of diapers do people use on ducks and can you use those on geese? I don't think the chickens will be that stressed.
There are goose diapers, I don’t think you’ll have time to get one or make one by tonight though.

You can put down potty training pads like someone else mentioned, you can also put down some towels or old sheets.

Goose poo isn’t that big of a deal until you get the cecal poo, just make sure you use some bleach in the wash if you’re planning on using something you’ll wash later.

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