Keeping more than one Rooster

I've found this a really positive thread, thank you. I think I was panicking a bit because my cockerels are all reaching adolescence at the same time, but the descriptions here of the different ways they sort it out were really helpful. Happily, we have lots of space, so I think we will keep going - perhaps letting the cockerels free-range a bit more than the hens when we aren't around to keep an eye on them all! 

Since they're growing up together, you really shouldn't have any problems, depending on the breed traits. The only time I've witnessed spectacular battles was when I brought home a bunch of young adults last year, one of which was an aggressive dominant type. At the time, I had a young orp/brahma x roo and he was NOT having it! They were kept in separate pens but fought through the wire almost constantly. Right now I have two brothers ruling and in with the flock are the last of my meat birds that I haven't gotten around to butchering yet. One of those is a male and the head brothers just ignore him like he's not even there. So on occasion, it doesn't work, but most often I find that it does :)

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