Keeping roosters in check, am I the only one that does this?


In the Brooder
Apr 24, 2016
San Diego, Tx
I have this really pretty Welsummer rooster in my flock. He does a great job of watching out for the hens so we've given him a little leniency on some of his sauciness but, I'm not on for human agressive roosters either. When he was younger, he'd make a sneak attack from behind occasionally, especially if he thought you'd harassed his girls,but he never hit higher than the calf and never spurred. The normal rule here is that if a rooster engaged, kick.the crap out of him or grab whatever is handy and make it abundantly clear to him that it's not going to come out in his favor. This worked pretty well with him but, he'd still make a challenge maybe once a month.

For the last 3 months or so, I've been stepping agresaively in his direction at random times and intervals, 99% of the time, he runs off, the other 1% he gets a lighter kick than he would when he attacked and it's been enough of a reminder. He hasn't gone after anyone since I started this.

I'm just wondering if I'm the same not one that bullies his rooster to keep him in line? I don't necessarily like having to "fight" and "bully" him but, I learned a long time ago training dogs that you get the best results with an animal when you behave as they do.

Sorry for the blurry pic, he wont stand still for me

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I would say if you keep kim in check that will be fine, however if you have kids I would get rid of him. Rooster can seriously injure a small child.
I keep mine in check by walking purposely towards them - usually on a daily basis, regardless of whether they show any aggression or not. It's better to keep them in check, before things get ugly, and keep it that way. IMO. I have never had issues with any cock birds when I have done this from around 4 months onwards.
I would say if you keep kim in check that will be fine, however if you have kids I would get rid of him. Rooster can seriously injure a small child.
Our daughter is 21 and not at home anymore. We had one that was a real jerk, he got culled. This guy's agression has almost always been because he thought we were messing with his girls. He's calmed down some since we culled the other rooster as well, actually the whole flock is more relaxed since we removed him. It's amazing how much of an effect a bad rooster can have on the flock.

This guy now generally runs away if anyone walks sort of in his direction.

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Our daughter is 21 and not at home anymore. We had one that was a real jerk, he got culled. This guy's agression has almost always been because he thought we were messing with his girls. He's calmed down some since we culled the other rooster as well, actually the whole flock is more relaxed since we removed him. It's amazing how much of an effect a bad rooster can have on the flock.

This guy now generally runs away if anyone walks sort of in his direction.

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I think keeping him in check as you are doing is a lot kinder to him than waiting for him to attack you then kicking the crap out of him. What you are doing now is letti g him know that you are the boss of the flock. Period. Have you watched how chickens establish dominance over other chickens? It's not just pecking in the pecking order. A dominant chicken confidently goes where it wants, and the others get out of the way. I think you're doing it right.
I have watched the way he behaved with the other roosters and you're absolutely right, he goes where he wants​ and the other remaining roosters moves out of the way. It was observing this behavior that got me to start doing what I'm doing. Like I said, animals seem to respond better when you behave like them instead of expecting them to behave like people.l

I agree, pushing him around a little is better than having to get physical with him when he attacks. I've only had to give him.a couple of light taps since starting this.

Roosters can be real knuckleheads.

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Quote: AbSOlutely.
Multiple cock/erels can make them all act their worst.

Thinks your technique is good...they should always be a little scared of you.

I have a Wellie cockbird.
Woody's always been pretty mellow, even as a cockerel he was pretty cool with the pullets,
until the 3-4 weeks younger cockerels came of age, then Woody started being very rough with the girls.
He would fight the other boys if they engaged him, but mostly vented on the girls.
5 minutes after I took the younger cockerels out of the pen, Woody calmed back down.
I handled him often as a chick, but greatly reduced handling at about 6-8 weeks old.
I still handled the pullets frequently.
When he matured he would come running when I picked up a female, then screech to a halt when he saw I had her.
He just got used to me handling the birds and never got aggressive about it, just some stink eye.
Confidence and a soothing tone of voice has taught most them all that handling will not 'make them die'.
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Swap him out with another rooster. With next rooster, do not fight with him and do not retreat from him. Also do not let him get into feed as you apply it where his activity causes you to give him more food faster.
Id replace him. Too many roosters out there needing homes to put of with that.
Thats my method now. Rooster gets stupid rooster gets gone.
Ive removed three roosters over the last couple years. All three were grown or almost grown when I got them. One attacked me, one attacted my son and one couldnt get along with other roosters.
Interested in this thread since I dont really do anything to control roosters but I very rarely have an issue.
I agree to never retreat from one imo that gives them the idea that they are in charge. I guess at times I do walk towards them like youve discribed but I dont go out of my way to do so. I go where I want when I want and if one is in the way they get out of the way.
I also dont baby the ones I raise.
We free range a lot of birds and all of them over the fall and winter. Well free range in a fenced yard that is 2 or 2 1/2 acres.
This past winter we had about 75 or 80 roosters all living together without issues except little squabbles here and there.

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