Keeping the coop fresh


In the Brooder
May 1, 2017
What is the best way to keep my coop from smelling funky and attracting rodents and flies? I have heard of sweet PDZ, some suggest the deep litter method, etc. What have yall found works best? I am putting down vinyl inside the coop especially under the roosts as to make cleaning easier. Any advice as to how to keep the smell under control???
Personally, I just use dry grass clippings / leaves - maybe around 8-10" deep - does the job very well. No need for daily cleaning, just turn over the bedding every day or so. After 4-6 months, I clean out the bedding, give the coop a good clean and replace with new bedding.

ETA: I should add that I live in a part of the world that is always warm and rarely damp, so what works for me does not necessarily mean it will work for others.
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In our coop we have around 4" of pine flakes on the floor. There is a poopboard filled with PDZ under the roost which we sift out everyday or two. The windows are kept open almost all year long with ventilation near the roof for air movement. The coop doesn't smell bad and we haven't had a rodent or fly problem.

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