Keeping the neighbor's chickens out of my yard

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I am looking for some advice. My neighbor has chickens that year after year continue to come into my yard. Year after year (several times per year) I am over there telling them about the chickens and that I NEVER ever want them to come into my yard...and year after year they continue to do so. One year, my dog got extremely sick and after a $1000 vet bill, we finally figured out he must have been eating/licking his paws that had chicken poop on it. I went over there again, to explain this to them...but, guess what....they continued to come over! Our city does have a chicken ordinance that clearly states you can only have 4 chickens and that they have to be in a chicken coop and or fenced in area at all times, but either they don't know about it or they just don't care. I want to be neighborly and not cause any problems. I have even considered getting a fence, but at a cost of around $10,000 to fence in my back yard, that will not happen. Any helpful suggestions, would be greatly appreciated. The last thing I want to do is call the cops, but I am not sure what to do. I thought about calling the Humane Society to see if they would do something.
I would not bother getting a fence as we have a 5 foot fence which they were getting under, I then lined the bottom of the fence with large rocks, now they just fly over.
I’m so sorry for your unneighborly neighbors!

We do not have a fence and none of our immediate neighbors do, either, but I’m rhe chicken owner in this scenario. When we got chickens a few years ago, they wondered to our neighbors’ yards a lot—the neighbors on both sides delighted in the chicken visits and appreciated the eggs we shared so all was well. However, the chickens did get too comfortable and began to spend a lot of time at one particular neighbor’s...which meant a lot of poop. The neighbor did not appreciate all the poop on their driveway and she let me know. We spent a few weeks vigilantly watching the flock and would immediately run them off their driveway. We also used water hoses to squirt the chickens every time they put a foot on any concrete (I didn’t like their poop on my porch and driveway either). It didn’t take them long to learn to stay in soft areas.

My friendly neighbor suggestion for you: squirt the chickens anytime they come near your yard line. Next step is to ask in writing that they follow city ordinances, and reference the ordinance in your letter. Next, call code enforcement with documentation of your efforts to work this out. A fine might be enough to encourage your neighbors to manage their flock more appropriately for your area.
I haven’t seen anything from @eldajoann recently. How are things going?
If you want my two cents, I say get a temporary fence AND call the city.
Honestly, I wouldn’t bother warning them first. You’ve talked to them enough and according to what you said, they basically told you “so? What are gonna do about it?” by saying You put up Your own fence instead of them putting one up. They don’t care, by all appearances.
Dogs can, and do, get salmonella.
I haven’t heard anything from @eldajoann in a while.
How are things going?
If you want my two cents - do both. Get a temporary fence AND call the city. Honestly, I really wouldn’t bother warning them. I think you’ve done that plenty, even if implied

@DrTheMomm - yes, dogs can get salmonella.

Added comment - Weird. I thought My other reply disappeared, but there it is. I really wonder what’s up. I don’t have this issue with other stuff on the internet.
As someone mentioned above, the police aren't the right authority to notify. It'd be a matter of calling your city office. You could also keep it anonymous. You wouldn't even have to say they're going in your yard. Just that this address is in violation of the code.
Good luck.
I haven’t seen anything from @eldajoann recently. How are things going?
If you want my two cents, I say get a temporary fence AND call the city.
Honestly, I wouldn’t bother warning them first. You’ve talked to them enough and according to what you said, they basically told you “so? What are gonna do about it?” by saying You put up Your own fence instead of them putting one up. They don’t care, by all appearances.
Dogs can, and do, get salmonella.
Ironically, I was over there twice this week after chasing the chickens out of my yard again. I explained to her that I should not have to keep on asking her to do this, and asked her how she was going to prevent it from happening over and over. I also explained again I should not have to come over here several times a year, every year. She stated she was going to need to put up a fence, but since being pregnant, it was not that easy for her. Well, she has not been pregnant in the previous years. She then proceeded to measure the length of my backyard that night. I have a feeling she will try and put one right on my lot line. Unfortunately it is going to have to go to the city or police.
Some states and local ordinances have 'fence in' laws, others have 'fence out' laws. These laws determine who must put up a fence. Fence out states have free-grazing rights, for livestock, and if you don't want other people's livestock on your property, it's up to you, to fence them out. Fence in laws require the livestock owners to fence their livestock in, to prevent issues like the one you're experiencing.
Some states and local ordinances have 'fence in' laws, others have 'fence out' laws. These laws determine who must put up a fence. Fence out states have free-grazing rights, for livestock, and if you don't want other people's livestock on your property, it's up to you, to fence them out. Fence in laws require the livestock owners to fence their livestock in, to prevent issues like the one you're experiencing.
Thanks - per our City Ordinances and the City stating it themselves, chickens can NOT free roam even on their owners property and are to be kept in a chicken coop or fenced in area at all times on their owners property - no exceptions. The chicken coop and fence also have to be a certain number of yards on the owner's property and away from neighbors lot line.
I am looking for some advice. My neighbor has chickens that year after year continue to come into my yard. Year after year (several times per year) I am over there telling them about the chickens and that I NEVER ever want them to come into my yard...and year after year they continue to do so. One year, my dog got extremely sick and after a $1000 vet bill, we finally figured out he must have been eating/licking his paws that had chicken poop on it. I went over there again, to explain this to them...but, guess what....they continued to come over! Our city does have a chicken ordinance that clearly states you can only have 4 chickens and that they have to be in a chicken coop and or fenced in area at all times, but either they don't know about it or they just don't care. I want to be neighborly and not cause any problems. I have even considered getting a fence, but at a cost of around $10,000 to fence in my back yard, that will not happen. Any helpful suggestions, would be greatly appreciated. The last thing I want to do is call the cops, but I am not sure what to do. I thought about calling the Humane Society to see if they would do something.
Make “lemonade” with your lemons, meaning: save money by not buying chicken anymore, buy cracked corn (chickens love it), make a small corral, place the corn on the furthest corner, placing few kernel at the entrance to be followed by the chickens, close the door and you will have bbq chicken for dinner! Don’t know how to dress a chicken? google it. Good luck.
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