keet with leg problems


Sep 18, 2018
Hi peeps!:frow
about a week or two ago one of my guineas hatched out a horde of keets, and within the next hour and a half due to bad weather and other random disasters managed to lose about half of them then had a brain explosion after somehow managing to get them into my garden (which is quite well fenced with little netting) and decided to jump out.... instead of going back the way she came and left all the babies in there she waited for them for a while then gave up, when I realized what happened I tried to give them back to her but she didn't want to know about it so I ended up bringing them inside with a couple of orp chicks that turned up around the same time and kept them on the heat pad. they're doing alright but I have one that has a weird issue with his feet, his toes are sort of curled up into little fists and his legs are quite splayed out. i originally thought he would just grow out of it but its been a good while now and he hasn't improved and I'm starting to worry that ill have to put him down if he doesn't get better soon, he's still eating and drinking and he can get around but it looks very awkward and painful. hope one of you guys can help me out.
I have one that has a weird issue with his feet, his toes are sort of curled up into little fists and his legs are quite splayed out. i originally thought he would just grow out of it but its been a good while now and he hasn't improved
How long is a good while?
Hopefully you can correct the legs, but the older a chick or keet is, the harder it is to correct any leg issues.
Do you have photos?

Take a look at the article below for some tips on correction. I would also get some B-Complex into her. 1/4 tablet a day.

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