keets free ranging?

Sad, sad story, but I guess not unexpected for those with more experience. On day 13, three keets disappeared. On day 14, three more keets disappeared. I woke yesterday to hear the hen buckwheating in distress. When i got out there a while later, there was only one keet left I'm thinking perhaps a predator got them at night or first thing in the morning. It was drizzly and dreary, but I managed to catch the lone keet and put it in the barn. The cock showed up very shortly--within minutes--and I had to go herd the hen to the barn becauwe she was running around aimlessly undereath the barn where the horses hang out--and right under the coop where the other two birds were. Now they're all together, and living on game bird starter instead of seeds and bugs.

The good news is that the two keets cared for by the Silkie are still fine. If I thought the other keet would bond with her, I'd move it, but I think it's too late for that.
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