Khaki Campbell Drake dipping his rump


In the Brooder
Oct 20, 2022

My khaki Campbell Drake is 16 weeks old. Today I noticed him dipping his backside over and over. He did pass what looked like water but nothing solid. He didn't really want the lettuce that I took out which is somewhat unusual. Normally everyone is in the scramble for the goodies. He just picked at a leaf and then walked away. Hopefully that link will work because I got a decent video of what he's doing. Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated. As far as feed goes, I give them a mix of all flock and layer feed as well as some fermented grains, and they free range during the day.
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It's pretty red and irritated.
We tried reinserting it twice this morning, but no sooner do we put him down than it's popped back out again.
I got some hydrocortisone and antibiotic ointments today while I was in town and slathered him with them. I did put it back in a couple of times, but it popped right back out again. It's looking a little worse this evening. The skin seems to be starting to dry out after being out most of the day. He is in his own area of the coop with a kiddie pool. Can't tell if he's actually eating anything. He is drinking.

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