Khaki Campbell internal pip to external pip?


Mar 21, 2023
How long after the internal pip does the external pip happen? There does seems to be almost a bruised look on one spot of the outer shell if that makes sense? Is that where it is trying to get out? And after how long should I be concerned and help? Sorry for all the questions, google gives like 10 different answers for any questions I have🤦🏼‍♀️
This was at 7am this morning


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How long has it been since the internal pip?
I'm not 100% sure. I checked yesterday evening around 7 and seen shadowing around the edges of the air sack, then I checked this morning and could see the beak and what looked like its head in the air sack! This is my first time incubating eggs. Also today is day 23 and I have seen 2 out of 11 that have pipped internally. I haven't opened the incubator since. I don't want to risk messing anything up now 😟. Thanks in advance.
That’s definitely an internal pip
usually 24 hours from internal to external
If I have ones that I’m not sure how long it’s been but I know it will be longer then 24 hours since I last saw it by the time I wake up I will make a tiny pin hole beforeI go to bed
just above the beak
When I say tiny I mean no bigger then a freshly sharpened pencil end
98% of the time they still make their own external pip amc hatch themselves ( it’s more a piece of mind for me )
Making a big hole may prevent them from doing it themselves and put the membrane at risk

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