Khaki Campbells enjoying the monsoon season!


9 Years
Jul 3, 2012
Delhi, New York
I can't help but post some photos of my Khaki Campbells enjoying the past four days of nearly constant rain. It is such a joy to watch them forage and frolic in the wet lawn (which now is approaching hayfield status) and the new garden spot I recently tilled - it should be quite well fertilized by the time I set my tomato plants out next week

Buffy today

This is what Buffy normally looks like!

The new 'mater patch under aeration and fertilization procedures

Flighty and someone de-grub the horseradish patch

Our drake, Flighty
Flighty is the only drake. The rest are quite light colored but none as light as Buffy but they all seem to be getting lighter. My five girls came from Meyer Hatchery last May. Flighty is the sole survivor of my first flock started in May 2011. Quite the egg layers, they are!

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