Kicking them out?!?!?


In the Brooder
Apr 6, 2017
South Carolina
Ok so I know there are a few threads with this exact same question but half of the answers I read are not pertinent to the question. So here goes.

When can the ducks be put outside without a heat lamp?

We have a coop setup and ready but no way for us to power a lamp out there if needed and we are anxiously waiting the day we can kick the little buggers out of the house and into their own. We do not want to ship them out too early and we know that this weekend is going to be colder than normal so we are holding off. They will be 6 weeks old on the 5th.

The temperatures have been ranging from Highs in the 80s to lows in the 50s but this weekend it drops and will only have highs in the low 70s and lows in the high 40s for all of next week.

We kind of slacked on weaning them off of their heat lamp because we added to new littles to their brooder 2 weeks after we had them. We are slowly starting to get them acclimated to not having it.

We are in South Carolina and this year our temps have been wonky.

Any information you have would be greatly appreciated.

and yes we know some people wouldn't keep them in the house but we did, it was easier and safest way to keep them alive with our situation.
I put my ducklings out this year right around a month old and it was still getting down in the 20's at night. last winter I put some out around the same age and it just got colder naturally and they were fine. I think yours will be fine as long as you can keep the wind off them and they have some straw to hundle down into. its still down in the 30's now at night here and my little babies have been just fine at 2 months old.
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