Kiddie pool for chickies ??

Out where I am it was about 95 in the shade. What I do is I go out a few times a day with a spray bottle and mist them with cool water. My one rooster loves it. :)
Ladychicken I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm surprised that happened to a 1-yr-old. I remember earlier this year someone posting a video of her BO's swimming in the big "people" pool. I assumed they could all kind of float and paddle around but just don't usually like it. Thank you for sharing your story so we know what the possibilities are.
Oh my gosh Im so sorry to hear about your loss.I have decided against using the kiddie pool and went and bought a plastic kitty litter pan from the dollar store.Its no where near the depth of a kiddie pool I figure if they never step in it atleast they will have another container of water to drink out of.Thank you so much for all you replies.
I just bought a small rectangular plastic tote with the thought of putting some flat rocks on the bottom and some shallow water for them to cool off in, if they will. . . . I'll have to post any results.
I tried using a very small container and standing each one in there. A few of them stood in it for a minute or so before hopping out. But I don't think they ever went back on their own. They did want to drink out of it though and after putting everyone's feet in there... yuck.

Glad you posted about this though - I'm in the Triangle and worry about them overheating!
Chickens need a ladder in the kiddie pool. Seems really odd since they can flutter up to their roosts and nesting boxes, but it's something about the water... Also, I would never have water deeper than 6". At that depth they can lay on the floor of the pool and still be head above water.
I have a 1 gallon galvanized pig feeder I got from Tractor Supply. It's about 4 inches deep and my girls love it. It's big enough that 3 or 4 at a time can stand belly-deep in it and they spend a lot of time in it when it's hot out-which here in Texas is a LOT of the time! I set it at the end of my AC drip line, so it's constantly being refilled with cool water and then every evening I clean it out so they can start fresh the next day. One of our local roadrunners enjoys it too. Just the perfect size for a chicken wading pool.
I have ducks and chickens in the same run together should I just separate them if I'm going to add a kiddie pool in the run for the ducks?
Unfortunately, last week, I Horribly and accidently, lost one of my girls, a 1 yr old Barred Rock, when, to the best of our knowledge, slipped into the duck's kiddie pool, that she has been raised around since she was a chick..

My son found her when he went to let them out of their coop in the morning.

We are just now really able to talk about it, and I just hope that my chicken friends are very careful of having kiddie pools around chickens...its a horrible feeling..
So sorry for your loss. I have just put in a kiddie pool. I am putting large stones in the bottom of it. I didn't think about the slipperiness, only about how to get them to dip their toes into the water. I will now cover the entire bottom of the pool!
Thank you for posting.
I know this is an old post...I filled up my kiddie pool with maybe two inches of water fearing they would be afraid of anything deeper. I had to put each one into it and then splash it under their feathers...I'm hoping they'll get the idea and not be afraid of it.

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