Killer hen???


10 Years
Apr 1, 2009
Ok, I have a BO, just had her first birthday, and she has always been 2nd top hen. Recently she started picking on my BR who was the leader of the flock, she even bosses around my rooster,and after a fight recently took over the coop. As soon as Honey my BO took her place as top hen in the house, she became very aggressive.
She really likes to kill mice, always has.But now it is differnt, she is acting like rambo chicken-she used to kill maybe 1 a week, now she is attacking anythng that moves so she kills 1 or 2 a day. While I am thankful she is killing off the pests her aggressiveness is worrisome.
Which leads me to this morning. I threw down some scratch and a bunch of little birds started pecking at it. I went to feed the dogs and when I walked back by I saw several of the little birds dead and Honey with another one in her beak killing it. My other hens were as far away as possible from Honey just watching her go nutty.

So, is this normal chicken behavior? Or do I have a crazy homicidal hen on my hands?
I'm just curious--what kind of birds were they? I'd be afraid with her super aggressive nature that she'd turn on some of your other chickens. I'll follow this thread because I'd like to see what others say about this. If you want to get rid of her, there are mice in my hubby's workshop! Ha! Ha!--although this isn't a laughing matter for you, I'm sure. Good luck.
LOL, I could use her assassin like tendencies to rent her out as pest control....

Anyho, she is a BO= Buff orpington

My Orps do the same thing were they little sparrows? If so I wouldn't put any scratch down where they can be around your chickens, they can bring unwanted dieases into your flock.
Hey, mstricer, I know you are not supposed to give chicken bones to dogs because they are brittle and can harm them. The chicken bones don't do anything bad to chickens? What do they do--crunch them up with their beaks? Thanks. By the way, Mandalina, your BO killer hen is absolutely beautiful.
Yes at first I thought they were just pecking clean but then there weren't any bones. They love chicken, weird HUH
Interesting post...we have a "homicidal hen"...........the bully has already killed one of her sisters.

We have had 4 hens since April 2009.

They are now about a year and half old. All of a sudden, one becomes a dead.

The other three are now: Bully, Maggie, Victim..............Victim is almost always in the coop....
very occasionally will go out for "treats" but gets pecked and cowers when Bully pecks at her.......

Bully pecks at her, Maggie sometimes joins in.....ICK!

Any remedies?

We've tried isolating Bully in a go.

Tried spot hosing her (and Maggie), when we catch her/them bullying.......but we're not here all day, so it's not working.

I really don't need this chicken drama.........(aren't they supposed to be docile and all social?) LOL!
We love our fur/feather critters.....just want them to get along..............BIG sigh.......

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