killer was jerk ignore babies through holes has started climbing over


In the Brooder
Feb 7, 2016
I put boards 2 feet tall around the pen to keep this thing from jerking babies through the holes in the poultry netting. If it couldn't jury the whole body through, it just ate the head. Now it started going over the top of the 5 ft poultry net. What could this be? I have lost probably 25 young chickens in the past 2 months.
Sorry for your losses.

As you now must now realize, poultry netting is only good for keeping poultry in, not predators out.

Could be almost anything, not knowing your location, I'm betting on a raccoon, .

Well secured 1/2 inch hardware cloth seems to be the fencing of choice.
I would also guess raccoon. A few strands of electric fencing around your run would help, along with a top on your run. Raccoons aren't the only things that will climb a fence, but they're usually the most common suspects.

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