Killing cones inhumane?

I can honestly say from doing birds totally by myself for the first time that because the chickens are so small the minute the veins are cut and they begin losing the blood from their veins they pass out almost immediately. It is much more humane than twisting their neck or stretching it out so that you can hack it off with an axe. I think what most people view as inhumane is the fact that once they are totally gone they twitch and move about like they are struggling and scared. I have to admit that the first time I processed with help it made me cry to hear them struggling in the cones. I actually made myself watch one bird from the moment the person teaching me grabbed him. He held him for a minute until he was calm and then he placed him in the cone. The rooster did not flail or struggle at all until after his eyes had closed and he was gone. With a sharp enough nice like a scalpel or a razor I bed they do not even feel the initial cuts because the sharper the knives the less it hurts when you cut yourself I can tell you from experience.

Please don't let a persons opinion turn you from the idea of processing your own. It spares so many factory birds because we are not purchasing them from the stores anymore and our birds live like kings and then go gracefully. There is no shame in that.
I had a veggie rambling at me the other day, that if people really thought about it they should not eat beef or drink milk so cows and calves could roam about green fields in total peace. She was not at all impressed when I suggested that if she thought about, should people stop eating beef and drinking milk there would be virtually no cows at all period.
You should have suggested that she look into buying a cattle ranch and turning it into a cattle preserve.

a cattle preserve that's a good one can you imagine

I have Dairy Goats I let the does raise their own babies then when the kids are 2 weeks old I put them in a pen for a few hours a day with special kid feed and stuff to play on they think they are at a play ground the mom is milked in the evening and then her kid is put back with her we are all happy I get milk she gets sweet feed her kid gets milk and play time plus feed.
We eat lots of meat most of it is venison if we didn't hunt and then eat that deer he would end up getting hit by a car or destroying a farmers crop so we are helping out man and car kind
. We are also raiseing up a hog to butcher she has a good life and gets lots of treats and a pat on the head daily in a month or so she will fill my freezer and feed my children and we will be happy knowing she was rasied peaceful and without drugs or hormones plus she will taste awesome
. I am going to raise up several birds next year for my freezer.

The thing that kills me about Vegans is most will not rest until they convert everyone to there ways we meat eaters are silent we mind our own business and respect others believes
I want my t-shirt saying "If God meant me to be a vegan, I wouldn't be allergic to milk, soy, coconut, gluten..."

Moderation in all things.
In my opinion, killing cones used properly with a very sharp knife is the most humane way to kill a chicken there is. They pass out and pass away quietly. Only after that do their bodies flail as after death nerves fire. But that's my opinion. I've also heard doctors and paramedics testify as to the moment of death and how much better it is for a creature to die this way based on what they know about human death. That isn't opinion, it's fact. To have a paper decide to publish that letter out of all the ones they must get is crazy.
I agree beheading back in those days are much more humane than the ones that suffered from hanging (if it was done properly). Hubby is an EMT and he KNOWS that once a human is beheaded, it is quick, painless and they just don't know what has happened. It is not something like OMG! A knife! Oh I see the blood pouring out of I hurting? Or I hurt? They just don't have the TIME to think of those things.
I have personally only killed one rooster and I felt such guillt I never wanted to do it again but I did it the cone way and it seemed as if it was the most humane way, I can't kill another bird though, I get too attached and feel horrible
The problem with knowing for sure if beheading is absolutely an instant death or not is that no one has survived it to tell us. People have passed out from bleeding to death though and brought back from the point of death so they can tell us. That's why I say make up your own mind what you think is most humane. But I know one thing, like has been said, roughly hanging upside down, sometimes breaking the legs, then getting trolleyed along amongst others in panic as in commercial places.. well.. that can't be humane.

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