~~KINGDOMS OF CYRENE~~ RP (Need Players)

Elsa turned to him. "No idea. I wasnt expecting ayone." Elsa lookedpuzzled.

Christa paced in her room. Stopping in front of a window she sighed. "Oh Elsa. What will i do with you..?" She murmured.

Shardas lay in his cave watching rain fall and splatter on the ledge out side.

Raerel (i think that her name...) sat at a desk in her room scribbling things down on a scroll.

(Gtg bbl)
Quickly but quietly, Keegan crept to the door. His robes fell heavily to the floor. Slowly approaching the door, he shouted, "Who is it?"

While she paced, a familiar voice called her name. "Your majesty. May I have a minute of your time?"

The rained continued to fall that night while he lied there and watch his minions.

While she wrote on the scroll, Beridan (another member of the council) approached the table and handed her another scroll. "This is the new tax policy. It needs your signature." Then he gently placed it on the table.
Lilly sat at her desk writing on some scrolls, as well as putting in some information in the massive tomes which sat beside her right hand. She continued for quite some time before Ovor (another member of the council) came into the room. He slowly moved to the table. Lilly had no idea he was in the room.

Maxine flew across the glaciers high in the cold northern reaches of the world. He glared and and watched the humans fish off the coast.
Lilly sat at her desk writing on some scrolls, as well as putting in some information in the massive tomes which sat beside her right hand. She continued for quite some time before Ovor (another member of the council) came into the room. He slowly moved to the table. Lilly had no idea he was in the room.

Maxine flew across the glaciers high in the cold northern reaches of the world. He glared and and watched the humans fish off the coast.
Maxine found his way threw the cold and he kept flying. He saw Lilly writing scrolls and he looked in the window. He watied in till she notice him.

Lilly came out side and saw maxine sitting down wating for her. Lilly said to him are you ready to go?

Maxine answerd nodded yes.
Maxine found his way threw the cold and he kept flying. He saw Lilly writing scrolls and he looked in the window. He watied in till she notice him.

Lilly came out side and saw maxine sitting down wating for her. Lilly said to him are you ready to go?

Maxine answerd nodded yes.
(Maxine is in the Huthor Ice Shelves. lol There's no way he would fly that fast to K'val. It would take some time. I'm sorry, can you rewrite that?)
Elsa turned to him. "No idea. I wasnt expecting ayone." Elsa lookedpuzzled.

Christa paced in her room. Stopping in front of a window she sighed. "Oh Elsa. What will i do with you..?" She murmured.

Shardas lay in his cave watching rain fall and splatter on the ledge out side.

Raerel (i think that her name...) sat at a desk in her room scribbling things down on a scroll.

(Gtg bbl)
(Her name is Reartria. :) )

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