~~KINGDOMS OF CYRENE~~ RP (Need Players)

Maxine is still in the high cold northen reaches of the world,

Lilly is writing in scrolls, in her home. she wondering what else to put in the scrolls.
Because he wasn't recognized the first time he came in, Ovor shouted, "Are you okay, Lilly?"

The frigid wind off the glaciers came across Maxine's wings; however, it didn't seem to effect him at all.
(Tell me about him would be nice.)
(Okay. I have one who rules over the Arobus Mountain Territory. His name is Osnint; he is very strict and rules with an iron fist over his minions. He is short tempered, non-friendly, doesn't get along with others, and hates other dragon rulers. Osnint is yellow scaled with black spines going down his back to the tip of his tail. Most of the time he is flying across the territory and never stays in the same spot long. If there's anything you would like to change, let me know. :) )
"she answerd back yes i'm okay thank you for asking''. she started to get up for her chair, take a break from writing.

A storm started, Maxine didn't care about it starting to storm, and windy blows hard.
"she answerd back yes i'm okay thank you for asking''. she started to get up for her chair, take a break from writing.

A storm started, Maxine didn't care about it starting to storm, and windy blows hard.
"Oh that's good," he replied and then pulled out more scrolls from his satchel. "I have some things that needs to be filled out." Ovor handed her the scrolls carefully.

Finally, Maxine stopped to see what the shadowy figure was in the distance. As he glided closer, he became even more nervous.

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