~~KINGDOMS OF CYRENE~~ RP (Need Players)


"Thank you." Hasis pecked her cheek . He journeyed into another, vast door. "This way "

Abbet blushed a bit and continued to follow.

Hasis lead her to a massive facility that contained various machines to relics. No prisoner was in sight, yet.

Abbet slowed her pace to examine the room and stuff. "What are these things?" she asked.

"Many experiments to inventions." Hasis simply responded.

"What kind of inventions?" "My oh my. Curious are we." Hasis chuckled. "Well it's various of things."

"Of course I'm curious," she also chuckled. "You brought me down here." Abbet then smiled.

"To only show you, and not reveal the many secrets that bestowed here."

Giving up, she just nodded softly.

"One of my latest is time..." Hasis directed his finger to it.

Abbet looked at where he pointed. "it's still missing a type of mineral...Then I shall accomplish my latest work." Hasis smirked.

"Missing?" she questioned, curiously. "Missing what material?" "A variety of a gem." Hasis fingered the cranking gears.

"I may help," she said. "What kind of gem do you need?" "Still pondering on what I should find."

Abbet smiled greatly. "I know where to find all kinds of gems." "Really? where?" Hasis glanced up.

"So'Varn." "Uh...can you be more detailed on the coordinates?"
"it's in So'Varn, in the mountain range," she explained once more."Sorry, I don't remember what they called the mountains." "It's okay." Hasis walked over, smiling. He patted her shoulder, "I guess we can journey there...But I maybe wanted for the things I do with Kandor."
She only smiled.
-_- "really no reply?" Hasis sighed.
"What are you talking about?" she asked, curiously.
Hasis rotated his head. "Never mind, anyways how long ago did I send out that Seeker?" He questioned.
"We can have barbeque legs since they're completely gone."
After that, Solviss immediately lifted his head and payed more attention. "What do you mean?" he asked.
Tithae remained silent and tilted his head down.

Winter looked at him the first one she found as a joke with a sense of dark humor but this, this had a diffrent meaning behind it that she didn't sense with the other one.

Finally after about ten minutes of awkward silence, Tithae spoke calmly. "My legs are completely gone. I have lost all feelings in them and I won't be able to walk anymore."
Solviss was too shocked by the news, he stayed quiet.
"The seeker?" Abbet questioned quietly. "I believe you sent him out almost a week ago or it could've been longer." She walked up closer to him. "Why did you send a seeker and to where?"
"The seeker?" Abbet questioned quietly. "I believe you sent him out almost a week ago or it could've been longer." She walked up closer to him. "Why did you send a seeker and to where?"
"To spy on our neighbors." Hasis grinned, glancing at her. "I need to know what they're up to, before I start a stealth attack." He educated.
"The seeker?" Abbet questioned quietly. "I believe you sent him out almost a week ago or it could've been longer." She walked up closer to him. "Why did you send a seeker and to where?"

"To spy on our neighbors." Hasis grinned, glancing at her. "I need to know what they're up to, before I start a stealth attack." He educated.

"Which country?" she asked, smiling oddly.
"The seeker?" Abbet questioned quietly. "I believe you sent him out almost a week ago or it could've been longer." She walked up closer to him. "Why did you send a seeker and to where?"

"To spy on our neighbors." Hasis grinned, glancing at her. "I need to know what they're up to, before I start a stealth attack." He educated.

"Which country?" she asked, smiling oddly.

"Our neighbor, why do you need to know?" Hasis cocked a brow. He released a door for her.

"Because someone came in last night--he looked like a spy," she answered and followed Hasis out the door and out of the entire secret way.
"The seeker?" Abbet questioned quietly. "I believe you sent him out almost a week ago or it could've been longer." She walked up closer to him. "Why did you send a seeker and to where?"

"To spy on our neighbors." Hasis grinned, glancing at her. "I need to know what they're up to, before I start a stealth attack." He educated.

"Which country?" she asked, smiling oddly.

"Our neighbor, why do you need to know?" Hasis cocked a brow. He released a door for her.

"Because someone came in last night--he looked like a spy," she answered and followed Hasis out the door and out of the entire secret way.

Hasis rapidly shifted around, and latched his claws on her shirt. "Were did you see this...person last?"
"The seeker?" Abbet questioned quietly. "I believe you sent him out almost a week ago or it could've been longer." She walked up closer to him. "Why did you send a seeker and to where?"

"To spy on our neighbors." Hasis grinned, glancing at her. "I need to know what they're up to, before I start a stealth attack." He educated.

"Which country?" she asked, smiling oddly.

"Our neighbor, why do you need to know?" Hasis cocked a brow. He released a door for her.

"Because someone came in last night--he looked like a spy," she answered and followed Hasis out the door and out of the entire secret way.

Hasis rapidly shifted around, and latched his claws on her shirt. "Were did you see this...person last?"

"First tell me where he's from and then I'll tell you everything." Clearly, she much showed more confidence than in the past.
The man scrunched his brows at this young lady who was asking random questions to a stranger. "I have three, but one ran away many years ago."
Memories started to flood William's mind.

Sean smiled at her humming. He danced with his head.

"Why did he run away?" She asked. Unless it was some sort of creepy coincidence, she was sure this was William's father.


Coralie giggled at his dancing technique and lay on her back, her head resting on her hands.

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