~~KINGDOMS OF CYRENE~~ RP (Need Players)

The inn started to turn very quiet.


"Indeed you did," he replied. "But guess what?"

She slid off the stool, deciding to go to her room. "Can I have the key to my room?" She asked the bartender.


"What?" She said.

"Of course," the bartender replied and then handed her the key from his pocket.


"You're it!" he shouted and then playfully shoved her again. He bolted out of the way and swam up the river, though the rapids slowed him down some.
"Of course," the bartender replied and then handed her the key from his pocket.


"You're it!" he shouted and then playfully shoved her again. He bolted out of the way and swam up the river, though the rapids slowed him down some.

Taking the key from his hand, she then headed towards the rooms.


She chased him up river. "Not for long," she giggled as she hurried to catch up with him.
"Of course," the bartender replied and then handed her the key from his pocket.


"You're it!" he shouted and then playfully shoved her again. He bolted out of the way and swam up the river, though the rapids slowed him down some.

Taking the key from his hand, she then headed towards the rooms.


She chased him up river. "Not for long," she giggled as she hurried to catch up with him.

The same creaking strairs from before continued to squeak with every step.


He was easily caught up since the rapids made it nearly impossible for him to escape while in the river.

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