knitting/ jack pins


Free Ranging
15 Years
Mar 19, 2009
I have a pattern for a knitted afghan that calls for jack pins. What are jack pins and what needle size are they equivalent to? Anyone know?
The only reference I can find to "jack pins" are for oversized knitting needles...according to one website:

"Jack Pin is the British term for over-sized needles. (In general, Pin is the British word for knitting needle.)"

Another site said they are size 17 Bernat's. Hope this helped!
Is that the Bernat Aran/Fisherman Afghan? It is Bernat Bulky yarn? I have that pattern and have made about 3 of those. They are gorgeous. Size 17 should do well depending on your tension you might want to do a gauge swatch first. Even if it is off a little it will just affect the final size of the afghan. Good Luck. I bet you love doing it.

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