Knock, Knock, Are you in there?? Sad news :(

Today, she got off her nest and joined the rest of her flock. Of course, this isn't a good sign for the eggs. We went out and collect the eggs, bringing them into the house. I candled them all and they had all died some time ago. Her internal clock must have told her that they should have hatched by now and that's why she got off the nest.

We do have one of her eggs in our incubator that we had taken before she had begun to sit. That's doing really well and is in lockdown right now. It's due to hatch Tuesday.

So sorry that happened, but thats a bright note about the one goslings let us know when it happens, does that mean you'll have a goose nursery in your house till spring?
Wellllllllll, I swore I wasn't keeping any babies this year. But if there is a lone gosling, I'll just have to keep it right?? Plus I have a lone duckling that hatched on Christmas Eve so I think these two will grow up together for a while. Eve is definitely "mama imprinted". She's absolutely hilarious.

Last night my husband was watching us and said, "And don't think we're going to be having any house duck, either". <pout> LOL

There will be more babies. I have 5 females and they'll be laying soon I'm sure.
My husband said the same thing about my geese and ducks. Then he helped me give them "swimming lessons" in the jacuzzi tub. The ducks and geese go and do whatever they please now, he fell like a ton of bricks. He said the same thing about chickens and I brought one in who had gotten all muddy and bathed her and had him help me dry her. I took this lovely clean, fluffy chicken to him as he lay relaxing on the bed, and she snuggled him right down and went to sleep. He said, "Oh great we're going to have chicken poo in the BED! Because I can't disturb the BABY!". I love a sucker.......LOL

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