Labored breathing & slight lethargy, diarrhea


Aug 7, 2020
South Western PA

Praying I can get some help. First, I’ve spent money on taking chickens to the vet in the past. Right now I cannot finically afford to take this one, and last year literally around the same time I took one, only to spend $250, and she died the next day.

The other day I noticed one of my hens alone on the roosting perch during the day. I have no idea how long she’d been there. I quickly grabbed her and took her inside. I gave her water and she drank a ton of it, but I didn’t give her any food in case there were crop issues. I’ve dealt with crop issues in the past, and this is not that.

Her symptoms have improved since Wednesday evening—meaning she’s walking around more, picking at things, and eating. However, she’s still laying down a ton and when she does her breathing is very labored. She did have diarrhea but it’s clearing up. Basically I’m torn because I’ve already tried putting her back in today when she showed signs of improvement, but the rooster wasn’t too happy.

I don’t want to risk getting any of the other birds sick, but I truly don’t know what’s wrong with her because she doesn’t have droopy waddles, seems to be feeling relatively lively other than being scared when I had put her back into the coop. She slept in there last night, but I took her back out this morning because she didn’t get off the roost again.

She’s 3 this year. She’s a golden buff hen and a few months ago had some egg laying issues. Also note she’s been eating a TON of eggs. I pinpointed it was her because since she’s been out, I’m actually getting eggs. LOL

Could she just be getting old or does it seem like more? No bubbles or fluid coming from her nose, no sneezing, some head shaking but it’s not out of the norm.

Sorry this is so all over the place, but I’m not sure what’s wrong & I dread having to reacclimate her, dread the others getting sick more.
I'm sorry she's not doing well... She isn't very old, but she is a high production bird, so she is prone to reproductive issues.

How's her abdomen feel? Like a very full water balloon? When was the last time she laid?

And you say her crop is ok? Can you get pics of her poop?

It's a lot of trying to rule out things and hopefully narrow it down.
I'm sorry she's not doing well... She isn't very old, but she is a high production bird, so she is prone to reproductive issues.

How's her abdomen feel? Like a very full water balloon? When was the last time she laid?

And you say her crop is ok? Can you get pics of her poop?

It's a lot of trying to rule out things and hopefully narrow it down.
Yes, that’s what I meant about getting “old.” I think that’s what happened to my other golden buff since they were such high producers.

Yes, her abdomen does feel full. Similar to what my other buffy who passed felt like, but Sunny (this one) seems to be doing a lot better and doesn’t have crop issues like the other. I definitely don’t think it’s crop related. She isn’t puffy and doesn’t smell/doesn’t seem to have anything impacted, either. I don’t think she’s laid in at least a couple of weeks, but it’s honestly hard to tell because she’s been cracking and eating all of the eggs. I will take pictures of her poo (not home atm). Before it was very runny like almost all water with some white/yellow in it. It then became darker seemed almost to have blood in it but couldn’t have been sure. Now it’s getting thicker and has pieces of digested food, but not a normal cecal…still runny.
I'm sorry she's not doing well... She isn't very old, but she is a high production bird, so she is prone to reproductive issues.

How's her abdomen feel? Like a very full water balloon? When was the last time she laid?

And you say her crop is ok? Can you get pics of her poop?

It's a lot of trying to rule out things and hopefully narrow it down.
I tried attaching a video of her but couldn’t. I know this picture doesn’t really help other than indicate she seems lively other than wanting to lay down. I almost wonder if maybe she hurt herself??? Wont go up on things on her own won’t get down??? But doesn’t explain the labored breathing. Her back is kind of pumping, too but not like an egg bound pump. I did soak her, too. Mainly to clean her vent and feathers after the diarrhea


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Yes, that’s what I meant about getting “old.” I think that’s what happened to my other golden buff since they were such high producers.

Yes, her abdomen does feel full. Similar to what my other buffy who passed felt like, but Sunny (this one) seems to be doing a lot better and doesn’t have crop issues like the other. I definitely don’t think it’s crop related. She isn’t puffy and doesn’t smell/doesn’t seem to have anything impacted, either. I don’t think she’s laid in at least a couple of weeks, but it’s honestly hard to tell because she’s been cracking and eating all of the eggs. I will take pictures of her poo (not home atm). Before it was very runny like almost all water with some white/yellow in it. It then became darker seemed almost to have blood in it but couldn’t have been sure. Now it’s getting thicker and has pieces of digested food, but not a normal cecal…still runny.
"Old" makes sense when you put it that way. I just lost a Golden Comet (basically same hybrid) to what seemed like cancer. She was a bit older at around 7 (she was a rescued hen). Almost the same symptoms, except my girl, Jessamine, had pretty much stopped eating: laying down, isolating herself, sleeping on the floor of the coop, panting, tail down sometimes.

Has Sunny lost weight as a result of the diarrhea? If she's still drinking, you can give her some electrolytes. NutriDrench wouldn't hurt, either.

I wish I had more advice. I just hate that these high production birds have been messed with so much that they are susceptible to so many illnesses.
"Old" makes sense when you put it that way. I just lost a Golden Comet (basically same hybrid) to what seemed like cancer. She was a bit older at around 7 (she was a rescued hen). Almost the same symptoms, except my girl, Jessamine, had pretty much stopped eating: laying down, isolating herself, sleeping on the floor of the coop, panting, tail down sometimes.

Has Sunny lost weight as a result of the diarrhea? If she's still drinking, you can give her some electrolytes. NutriDrench wouldn't hurt, either.

I wish I had more advice. I just hate that these high production birds have been messed with so much that they are susceptible to so many illnesses.
Those symptoms sound like Sunny. She will roost but I had to put her there and take her down.

She does seem like she’s lost a bit of weight but nothing too concerning. She’s still eating a mash I made her and drinks plenty. I’ll try adding that.

Do you think I should keep her out from the other birds in terms of whether she’s contagious/more comfortable? When I put her back when they’re sleeping everything seems to be ok, but I wanted to try to do it on the weekend when I had time to monitor. I would hate for something to happen to her since she’s not about to move fast.
Those symptoms sound like Sunny. She will roost but I had to put her there and take her down.

She does seem like she’s lost a bit of weight but nothing too concerning. She’s still eating a mash I made her and drinks plenty. I’ll try adding that.

Do you think I should keep her out from the other birds in terms of whether she’s contagious/more comfortable? When I put her back when they’re sleeping everything seems to be ok, but I wanted to try to do it on the weekend when I had time to monitor. I would hate for something to happen to her since she’s not about to move fast.
It is up to you if you want to separate her. It doesn't sound like anything contagious to me, but I'm not a vet. If you want to monitor her eating, drinking, and crop function better, that would definitely make it easier.

I hope I'm wrong. I miss Jess. She was such a good girl, and it was sad to see her go. I had made an appt to have her euthanized, but she died the night before the appt.
It is up to you if you want to separate her. It doesn't sound like anything contagious to me, but I'm not a vet. If you want to monitor her eating, drinking, and crop function better, that would definitely make it easier.

I hope I'm wrong. I miss Jess. She was such a good girl, and it was sad to see her go. I had made an appt to have her euthanized, but she died the night before the appt.
I feel confident she will improve. Clementine , the one I lost last year, was in horrible shape. I miss her so much, too. I’m sorry for your loss. 🤎🤎🤎 I thank you so much for your help and I’ll keep you posted!
The feed I had them on was 16% protein. Then I upped it to 20%. Here's a before and after of Jess the Mess. This wasn't caused by my rooster, feather picking, or mites, though it's good to rule those out. It still took a molt to get her back to normal.



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