labored breathing


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 31, 2009
One of my oldest hens has very labored breathing today, she seems to be really having a hard time. Poop is normal, she has showed signs of wanting to eat and drink and other than here breathing hard she seems normal. I don't want to just give her antibiotics if they are not needed but I feel like I need to do something. She was wormed with Valbazen over a month ago and has not had any change in feed. Her eyes are bright and she is not molting. Any thoughts?
There are a lot of respiratory illnesses going around right now. Get some VetRX & put it in the water & rub it on her nose & under her wings.
I called everywhere and can not find any
Would dabbing a bit of vicks work? I just checked to make sure she does not have anything stuck in her throat and she is clear. Her crop is normal too - I am so freaked, just want her to make it
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