Lake Elsinore Chicken Friends Meet Up.

$10 sounds good
OK will you warn me prior to demo so I can make sure my kids stay on playground? Thanks :)
Yes of course. I won't have my boys with me but there are somethings they do not need to learn just yet and we will work out a way where it can be semi out of the way and discrete. I always treat my animals with dignity and I am willing to make this learning opportunity happen without outwardly offending anyone who might be sensitive.

I HAVE Golden laced Sebrights which have their own pen and silver laced that are in with a trio of buff laced. My son Rusty owns the Sebrights. He asks $20. a doz for the Goldens and $15 for the silvers and buffs since the colors are together. My family will all be there including our Dachshund. Our name tags will say TJChickens on mine and my son Tobin's (TJ) and my other son's tag says Rusty. They are 15 years old and own most of our chickens...
I know you wouldn't but I am bummed the boys won't be there as I sold josiah on coming for them.I'll see if Carol will let me bring Stephen.
I'll be there! I am bringing...

  • 8 Bantam Blue-layer chicks. between 1wk and 3wks old. Most have black skin.
  • 1 EE chick.
  • 1 Ayam Kedu chick, 3 wks old.
  • 1 EE cockerel, 10 weeks old.
  • 1 SQ-line white Showgirl rooster, from Vickie Kite Harry in Florida, 1yr old.
  • 1 Large-Fowl Silver-Laced Polish rooster, 9mo.
  • 1 Large-Fowl White Crested Black Polish hen, 9mo.
  • Some EE hatching eggs.
  • 3+ project Ayam Cemani hatching eggs. Our pair have a higher lay rate than usual!

I am looking for...

  • Silkie/Showgirl with very large crest, nice dark fibro, non-bearded, and... the hard part to find!... moorhead. (That's when the head/upper neck feathers are darker than the rest of the body. Silkie or showgirl chicks, or an adult bird (preferably a roo, but will take a hen).
  • Arkansass Blue chicks.
  • Lavender or Porcelain Ameraucana chicks.
  • Any Silkie x Ameraucana chicks, if you have them! Doing a project. :) Must be from true Ameraucana, not EEs.
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Has anyone put dibs on the ayam kedu chick? Will it be that cool solid black? Do you have any clue if it's a boy or girl yet? How much are you asking?

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