Lakenvelder colors


11 Years
Jun 5, 2008
How many different Lakenvelder colors are there?

I have some golden Lakenvelders and there seem to be two varieties of them. Some are bright golden color on the body with the black head and tail. Some are a darker gold with the black color sprinkled onto the body. There are roosters and hens in both of the colors.

These are from eggs I hatched.
Hmmm. The only ones I have heard of are the Silver (which is the official recognized color) and the Golden.
I think the Golden Lakenvelders are just beautiful. I have never seen them with any black mixed in the body. I have seen some who appear to have a darker, richer gold color than others. I was trying to get a Lakenvelder over the summer and didn't have any luck. They seem rare.
They are very pretty and friendly. The light gold roo (about 4 months old) is getting lighter on his body color. if the man I got the eggs from still has some, I may get some more. And I think there is someone close that has white ones. Would that be what they are calling silver?
Golden lakenvelder are called vorwerk in europe.

They should be spotless.

vorwerk: black buff black
blue buff blue were created in Holland but now probably extinct.
white buff white were created in Holland but will soon be extinct.

Silver lakenvelder: black white black
blue white blue
brown white brown are being created.
buff white buff are being created but it is not a lakenvelderpattern genetically.
to bad about the ones becoming extinct.. so sad..

friendly???? HA!!! all the ones i have personally owned (or known) have been very high strung flighty birds..
I had a trio of golden until the dog got one. The roo is properly colored but the female I have left is almost laced she has so much black on her body. The one that got killed was much better colored - they were all from eggs i hatched from the same breeder.



Ahahahhaa-anyone who names their rooster "Rooroo" is OK with me.

He's very pretty. I need to try to find a Lakenvelder pullet this spring. Do you by any chance have any pictures of their eggs? Are they small like the Buttercups or more of a medium size?
OHHHH why do you have to be in the Netherlands! That pullet is GORGEOUS as well as the vowerks!!!!
I don't have any pics of the eggs they came from but they were a white medium/large egg. These guys a not really a bantam size at all - but they are not as big as my cuckoo marans or EE pullets.

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