Lame duck


10 Years
Jun 18, 2011
Ballard in Seattle
One of my Khaki Campbells suddenly became "crippled" this afternoon. She is 3 1/2 weeks old, and other than being a bit smaller than the rest, never showed any signs of problems. This afternoon she appears to have no control of her legs...any ideas?
Hi BallardDuck and welcome to the forum. A couple of questions .. they may help to decipher what may be going on.

What are you feeding them?

Are they in an inside brooder or outside on the grass?

If outside is there anything around she may have fallen over or something she may have injured her leg on?

Hare the legs able to move freely if you pick her up or are the joint swollen or inflamed in any way?
I have been feeding all four the same Crumble - Flock starter from Purina - non medicated and giving them water solubable vitamin/electrolyte supplements in thier daily water.
I just went to check on her and she is on her side pushing herself around with her legs...this doesn't look good.
I've reading as many different threads on here about lame or crippled ducks and I'm wondering if it might have been when I was cleaning the brooder and took them out? They all run around so hysterically like they think I'm trying to murder them...
How many do you have and how big is the the brooder? What I am thinking about is their ability to walk around. Sounds like their feed is good and with the vitamins- they should not be deficient. If they cant walk around much and exercise their legs- it could be a weakness or strain in this particular duck after running around " hysterically" as you say.
It is a 4' diameter kiddie pool with a cardboard fence around it. I have a fairly thick layer of pine chips down. She seemed to amble around it fine along with the others and participated fully in "swim time" this.
She is able to move her legs, as she is laying on her side pushing herself around, but cannot seem to stand/balance. She seems to be shivering though I'm not sure if its the fright of it all. I have her in a seperate box from the others right now with a heat lamp and just spoon fed her some vitamin water. Do you think I should somehow swaddle her so she doesn't keep kicking herself around? Overkill?
Just keep an eye on her to make sure she doesnt get too hot under the heat lamp. It may just be a bit of shock after a small injury... she may have some spinal swelling that is effecting her.... but it is really hard to know what is really going on. For now..if she was my duck I would monitor her while separate for the next 24 hours- hand feed and water her and hope for the best, after that I would take her to a vet if she was showing no signs of improvement. Swaddling may stress her - restricting her movement could have its benefits but also cause further issue if she further strains herself with it.
That really sounds like good advise.
I'm trying not to get myself too freaked out...these are the first ducks I've had since I was a kid (40 years ago!) so it's hard not to!
I let you know how the night plays out.

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