Large Airsac


11 Years
Apr 17, 2008
Ok, I have an R-Com 3, so only have 3 eggs in, 2 have very large, odd-shaped airsacs and the other eggs is detached. The detached and another are clear on day 6 of candling. The one thats growing...what are the chances it will live? I've just been reading on here that a large aircell means the chick is getting ready to hatch, so will my chick live?
ON my last hatch I had very large air sacs running down the side of the egg. in 9 out of 12 eggs and those are the eggs that hatched with health chicks. My eggs were shipped, but the loose air cells didi not hurt my hatch.
Thats good news!
Frequently shipped eggs will have the air sac run down one side of the egg as well as the top and sometimes it will even run down both sides. It hasn't kept mine from hatching in most cases. If the space is really big it could be a humidity issue. Less humidity means more moisture loss which means a larger air space. Higher humidity and the egg will lose less moisture resulting in a small air space. What day are your eggs on? The air sac will get larger as the egg gets older because it will lose more and more moisture. That does not mean it will hatch any sooner. Chicken eggs will hatch on day 21 irregardless of how quickly the air sac grows or not. The only thing that will alter hatch time is temperature. The egg does have to lose some moisture in order to have enough air space for the chick to pip into. Losing too much though will make it difficult for the chick to position and hatch.
Hey, I am on day 7 and the eggs in an R-Com 3, so everythings fully automatic - turning, humidity and temperature.
Do I need to alter any of these? Or can I just leave them as the R-Com standard? I've had hatches perfectly before, but not had airsacs like this before. Its larger on one side, quite a way up the side of the egg.
On my shipped eggs, The chick seems to develope right, but never hatches. The airsac looks like hills and valleys and takes up over one half of the shell. Is this something due to shipping or am I incubating wrong. I keep the humidity between 40-59 days 1-18, and 53-63 at lockdown
On my shipped eggs, The chick seems to develope right, but never hatches. The airsac looks like hills and valleys and takes up over one half of the shell. Is this something due to shipping or am I incubating wrong. I keep the humidity between 40-59 days 1-18, and 53-63 at lockdown
It is from shipping. Mine that had badly damaged air-cells never hatched either.

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