Large Fowl Cochin Thread

So sad....we have decided for sure that one of our two 5 week old buff cochins is a rooster!!! We had been holding out, hoping and praying that we were wrong! I don't think there is any denying the reddening in the comb!!! UGH!!! Aside from the fact that he is a beautiful chick, my 3 year old son a couple of weeks ago, started calling this chick Macaroni and Cheese....mind you ALL our other chicks are named after flowers! LOL So now that I am done question is this....on a scale of 1 to 10....(one being quiet and ten being loud) where would rank the crow of a cochin rooster. We have tried to keep our olive egger rooster and he is too loud for my husband and our neighborhood. We would really love to keep Macaroni and Cheese as he is going to be beautiful and we really don't want to give him away. Just curious about what you all think. Thanks!!!
Roosters have individual personalities just like people. My Rhode island red crows all different times of the day sometimes loudly, other times quite softly. My cochin rooster on the other hand, crows only when he sees me, and then it's loud LOL.
Why not simply just decide to keep him for time being and see what happens? It may very well work out great for your family
You could try to have a vet remove his vocal cords...It would cost a bundle, but I know it has been to peacocks, etc. Then you could keep as many as you want
Kind of like neutering his crow....
I am fortunate. Most of mine do. The problem is they spend most of their time broody

When mine lay, they lay every day....then they go broody. Guess I knew that when I bought them.


Some of mine go broody and some seem to hold off, but overall, they are excellent layers.
Got 25 large partridge hatched for the final tally. So far it looks to be pullet heavy with only three cockerels in the entire hatch! I hope there are some good ones in the bunch, I would like to have a few to take to shows so people can see some variation in the cochin isle.


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