Large Fowl Cochin Thread

How can you tell when a Cochin hen is about to start to lay? Mine are 8 months old and still no eggs.

Feel the width of their pelvic bone near their vent. When it is about 2 fingers wide, they are close. Also, their vent will appear reddish and moist. Mine don't lay until 8-10 months.
Ok thats a big help! I will check the girls in a little bit. They're beautiful birds, I am just wanting eggs so I can hatch and sell them and keep my hobby going. Does that go for all breeds?
WIll a rooster attempt to breed hens that arent close to laying? As my roster (same age and breed) is starting to mount them and i was curious if it has anything to do with them being close to laying
Is anyone breeding red LF cochins? I have been trying to find some but they seem to be elusive
I was wondering how dark is too dark for a blue pullet? Does anyone have pictures of something that may be considered less than ideal for blue birds? I know no one wants to post less than ideal photos, but I am curious how a blue scale would look... I have read through the blue standard over and over and looked at a ton of birds, but I wanted opinions... Thanks!

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