Large lacerations on Jersey giant back from mating.


7 Years
Aug 3, 2016
I went to check on the birds around lunch time, noticed one of my jersey Giants had some scabbing, I went to check and saw rather large lacerations on both her sides. Then the male started treading on her back and realised it was spur damage.

She fine in herself, feisty, eating, drinking. Nothing looks infected. Just looks nasty.
I feel out of my depth on what to do. I Brought her inside in a dark quite place to rest
I only have tylan soluble as a antibiotic, which I know is more for respitory issues.

Should I give her a warm bath? Try and clean it? Or let it scab over. I don't want to irritate the skin or stress her out any more. I have purple spray and sudacream if I should put that over.

I'd take her to the vets but it's bank holiday today and the avian vet is on holiday till next week.

I'll attach some pics I tried my best with it but didn't want to stress her out as she's scared of the iPad and i had to lift her wings up.

Many thanks for reading.


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I'd personally skip the antibiotics if it isn't infected (no puss or heat) and just let it heal... the birds immunity will produce their own. Let it scab over would be my choice... unless I saw sign of infection. I also would choose to treat the site verses the whole bird with antibiotics since they can be hard on the system and kill not only bad but also good bacteria. I rather provide probiotics to support natural immunity... in the form of plain yogurt or raw apple cider vinegar added to the drinking water.

Get an apron for her... or provide your rooster with a time out and/or some more hens. I'd have him in the kennel rather than her since she isn't the one causing the issue... why should she have to be extra stressed by the confinement and separation?

Just my take... Good luck for a speedy recovery! :fl
Thank you very much for the reply. Have no idea how much Peace of mind it's brought. She has CV in her water but Ill get some yogurt for her.
Think ill keep her in tonight just so I can keep a close eye on her then swap her for the male tomorrow.

shes currently asleep on my lap lol
I would agree with @EggSighted4Life although I might be inclined to clean the wounds up initially with an antibacterial wash like Hibiscrub or Betadine or Dettol diluted in water and then apply a good dollop of Germolene to them (I love Germolene). I know some members have gone to great lengths to dress such wounds but I'm more for a quick wipe over with an antibac to clean it up and then letting nature do the rest. Chickens are usually pretty good at healing. You will need to monitor it daily though and I might be inclined to give it a wipe over with a make up pad soaked in one of the above diluted products every other day. I'm guessing you are in the UK and flies are starting to be a nuisance with all this hot humid weather, so keeping an eye out for fly strike will be important.

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