Large lump in hens leg and torn toenail


5 Years
May 21, 2014
Arvada, CO
So I have a red star hen that is about 2 1/2 yrs old. I just noticed a large solid lump in what should be a straight bone part on her leg. I will try to get pictures of it tomorrow. It is in the middle of the scaly part on her lower leg. Any ideas on that would be helpful...
Also she has managed to tear off the center toe nail on the other leg. I am worried it is getting infected as she has been holding her foot up most of the day, and limping around.
Advice please! I feel bad for the poor girl.
take her to a chicken vet for advice I have never had that happen and never heard of that so no knowledge from that but if the has a lump check to see if her leg scales are getting bigger she could have scaly legs so check for mites so I would spray for it.
good luck -aqua
A picture would definitely help. I'm not sure exactly what would cause the lump on the leg. Is the lump soft, or is it hard? It could be bumblefoot or another infection. A scaly leg mite infestation could cause lumps too, but you'd see roughened scales over the entire leg. Another guess would be that she could have at one point had a broken leg and it healed improperly.

As for the toenail, your hen may be fine. Several of my chickens have had broken/lost toenails before. One chick lost a toenail at a couple weeks old and lived a normal, healthy life. Two other chickens got broken nails and the nails both grew back. If you're worried about infection, isolate the hen in a cage or crate with a deep layer of clean shavings. In a couple of days to a week, the toe should become tougher and scab up.

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