Large mass on and behind my roosters comb...anyone know what it is?


May 4, 2023
I have an naked neck turken rooster. He is around 2 years old. The other day I was cleaning their coop and noticed that he had a large yellow crusty looking mass on his comb. Im not real sure when it first started forming because he has a somewhat large comb that flops over to one side and it was hiding underneath. I waited for my boyfriend to get home so he could hold him for me to take a closer look at it. I noticed at the top of the mass, it looked like there was an opening, & It looks as if you could grab it & it would come right off but that's not the case. It has a funky smell to it as well. I'm clueless as to what it is...he doesn't act bothered by it or seem to act like he feels bad either. Someone had suggested a warble fly larvae but i can't find anything online about them being on chickens. Anyone know what this may be so i can get him taken care of..? It's awful close to his eye and don't want it to get any worse. I attached a picture as well.


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Your location would be helpful to know. If you're in a semi-tropical region with a lot of mosquitoes, this would likely be fowl pox. If you paint Blu-kote or gentian violet on it, that can help kill any bacteria and also dry up the lesion. If the thing resolves in a few weeks, then it's more evidence for this being pox.
Azygous gave good advice. You also could try removing a little of the yellow material, but have some saline or wound spray to clean it. If it bleeds, stop, and put some Neosporin, Betadine, or chlorhexidene on it. Since it smells, it may be an abscess or pus from an injury or peck. Let us know what happens.
Edited to say, you could also check into it being an epidermis or sebaceous cyst, basically a big yellow blackhead filled with sebum or yellow gunk. Cleaning that out would be the treatment.
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Your location would be helpful to know. If you're in a semi-tropical region with a lot of mosquitoes, this would likely be fowl pox. If you paint Blu-kote or gentian violet on it, that can help kill any bacteria and also dry up the lesion. If the thing resolves in a few weeks, then it's more evidence for this being pox.
No, I live in kentucky. And I didn't think about Blu Kote, I've been cleaning it with iodine since I first noticed it.
I have an naked neck turken rooster. He is around 2 years old. The other day I was cleaning their coop and noticed that he had a large yellow crusty looking mass on his comb. Im not real sure when it first started forming because he has a somewhat large comb that flops over to one side and it was hiding underneath. I waited for my boyfriend to get home so he could hold him for me to take a closer look at it. I noticed at the top of the mass, it looked like there was an opening, & It looks as if you could grab it & it would come right off but that's not the case. It has a funky smell to it as well. I'm clueless as to what it is...he doesn't act bothered by it or seem to act like he feels bad either. Someone had suggested a warble fly larvae but i can't find anything online about them being on chickens. Anyone know what this may be so i can get him taken care of..? It's awful close to his eye and don't want it to get any worse. I attached a picture as well.
Aw. Poor thing. If it were me i might separate him, to be sure he doesn’t get picked on or whatnot. (If they don’t do that it might not be a problem, though) Hope he feels better soon. Let us know if you figure out the cause.

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