Lash egg, something else, and is my bird going to die? (Warning: Picture)

Lacy Duckwing

RIP Sarah
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
6 Years
Nov 6, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
My Black Split-Lavender Orpington (Midnight) hasn't been herself lately. She's been standing alone and inactive, even when allowed to free range. She won't even take a dust bath like everyone else. Yesterday I noticed her vent leaking a whitish liquid. Today, I found something next to her that looks like membrane and I believe it came out her. This isn't lash egg is it?

Picture of what came out of my hen:
It looks like a collapsed egg membrane, but there could be some lash material in the flesh colored bits. You can fish them out and cut them open and take another picture. How old is your hen? Does she lay regularly? Are you feeding a layer feed and providing crushed oyster shell for calcium? I would give her a human calcium citrate tablet with vitamin D3 tablet daily for several days to see if it helps her. You can buy those at WalMart or Walgreens for a decent price. When they have these laying issues, they may feel very weak or have no appetite. Let us know how how she gets along.
It looks like a collapsed egg membrane, but there could be some lash material in the flesh colored bits. You can fish them out and cut them open and take another picture. How old is your hen? Does she lay regularly? Are you feeding a layer feed and providing crushed oyster shell for calcium? I would give her a human calcium citrate tablet with vitamin D3 tablet daily for several days to see if it helps her. You can buy those at WalMart or Walgreens for a decent price. When they have these laying issues, they may feel very weak or have no appetite. Let us know how how she gets along.
Thank you for your response. I cut the pieces open and in the membrane, it was just more of the same. On the other stuff, it looked more like egg white and was gooy like egg white too.

The hen is 15 months old. I don't know how often she lays, though I think I saw her in the nesting box within the last week or so. I feed my hens layer pellets and oyster shells on a regular basis.
My Black Split-Lavender Orpington (Midnight) hasn't been herself lately. She's been standing alone and inactive, even when allowed to free range. She won't even take a dust bath like everyone else. Yesterday I noticed her vent leaking a whitish liquid. Today, I found something next to her that looks like membrane and I believe it came out her. This isn't lash egg is it?

Picture of what came out of my hen:
View attachment 3582125
Just went through this with my 2 year old EE. How’s your girl doing? 🙏🏻
Hopefully that was it, just something temporary, but some hens will start doing this repeatedly, and then the calcium might help.
I can't any for my hen right now, but if she has this problem again and if I can get some then, do you have any brands of this that you suggest? A picture of what to get would be the most helpful. Also, how would I give her the tablets?

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