Lash egg?! What is this?!

Cut it in half and post another picture please

Also...what exactly do you feed your flock each day?
Feed and types of treats.
I feed them nutrena nature wise all flock 20% protein pellet chicken feed and chicken scratch, the occasional treats such as meal worms, lettuce, blueberries, watermelon, peas I give ACV in their water. They get to free range in my yard for 2-3 hours a day.

I feed them nutrena nature wise all flock 20% protein pellet chicken feed and chicken scratch, the occasional treats such as meal worms, lettuce, blueberries, watermelon, peas I give ACV in their water. They get to free range in my yard for 2-3 hours a day.

I would stop feeding the scratch today.

I would also make sure that I did not feed any treat more than once or twice a week and make sure it was only a spoonful per bird whatever it is.
I would stop feeding the scratch today.

I would also make sure that I did not feed any treat more than once or twice a week and make sure it was only a spoonful per bird whatever it is.
I would stop feeding the scratch today.

I would also make sure that I did not feed any treat more than once or twice a week and make sure it was only a spoonful per bird whatever it is.
She has been quarantined all day and hasn’t touched her pellet food, she only been drinking water.
I don’t feed them those every day just some ideas of what I do feed them when I do give treats.
She has been quarantined all day and hasn’t touched her pellet food, she only been drinking water.
I don’t feed them those every day just some ideas of what I do feed them when I do give treats.
I must have misunderstood because I thought you said that you feed them the 20% feed and scratch plus treats.
Came home to find this in my hens quarantine cage! Is this a lash egg or an organ?! Help!!!

She has been quarantined all day and hasn’t touched her pellet food, she only been drinking water.
Do you still have that? If so, can you cut it open?

I agree, it does look like it may be Lash Material and there was a good explanation in Post#5.

Since she's drinking a lot and not eating much, her crop may be slow due to the inflammation. I would make water and food available for her.
I'd also get Extra Calcium into her daily since she may have more material that needs to be expelled. You can find Calcium Citrate with D3 in the vitamin aisle of stores like Walmart, CVS, etc. Give 1 tablet daily, just pull down on her wattles, pop the tablet into the beak and let her swallow.

Treating the inflammation with an antibiotic may be helpful as well. Amoxicillin can be found HERE. Dose is 57mg per pound of weight given orally twice a day for 10 days.

You also have another ongoing thread about HERE. What you are observing (slow crop, yellow poop, etc.) are very likely symptoms of this reproductive issue (Salpingitis or could just be a lot of wrapped up membranes unless we can see the material cut open).

Treat symptoms - let her drink, this is her way of trying to clear her system, since you already treated for Sour Crop, see if her crop starts to empty now that she's expelled that material - do keep in mind she may have more coming.

Hope all this helps. Keep us posted on how she's getting along.
Update: this is the mass cut open. Also I have aqua-mox arriving in the mail tomorrow. Blanch the patient is doing slightly better. Trilling and purring at me but not drinking water or eating on her own. I’ve had to administer water through a syringe to keep her hydrated. Fingers crossed things look up!


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