Lashing out, mostly out of disgruntledness

Personally, I don't think just discounting and belittling others is a solution. While there are some on Facebook that put up phony info, there are many more that don't. The issue shouldn't be whether you should be justified in being upset. It should be figuring out why you are upset.

I think it is good time to look inward and see what it is that upsets you so much about other people's happiness. Remember, self-esteem is what YOU think of yourself. It is totally in your control and has nothing to do with anyone else.

As far as the cashier goes, hey we all have days like that and sometimes it just takes that last straw to break the camel's back.
Spend some time here instead of facebook. Grant a few wishes for those less fortunate ( many just want cards , you don't have to spend a lot of money or any in some cases) It will give you a different perspective of the world around you. And take a break from Facebook.... or just quit it all together.

Good luck

Two versions of my life:

Version 1:
I work a deskjob that pays the bills, and we're on one income. We live in a small, old, weird house, and most of our money goes toward bills or to the feedstore. Pretty much, our lives revolve around taking care of a bunch of goats and dogs and cats and chickens. We can't go on vacation because we have too many animals and not enough cash. My tractor turned 61 years old this year. Something's always broken. The jeep I drive everyday has almost 200K miles on it. I work entirely too hard not to have better things.. We raise gardens and put produce back so we can save a few bucks at the grocery.. Basically, I get up, go to work, come home, change, work around the house until I'm ready to fall down, sleep, get up, and do it all over again.

Version 2:
I have a pretty good job, so my wife gets to stay home. We have a cute little house on 26 acres where we raise goats and chickens, and we've got enough room to have 6 dogs! If I'm not out tending the animals, you might find me on my old tractor, chugging along, just tooling around the farm or maybe plowing one of the giant gardens we put out each year. We go-go-go non-stop, and it's a lot of hard work, but that's farm life.
To be able to hike your own land and breathe fresh air without neighbors in your face constantly is worth all the work -- it certainly beats living in an apartment or a postage stamp lot in town! Everyday is like vacation here!

Now, depending on the day, I could seriously feel either way. One thing I know for sure is that, if I did the whole facebook/myspace thing, I'd definitely post Version 2 to avoid looking like a total lame-o.
I agree, very well said. How you look at life can effect how you act and feel in a big way. If you can't change your outlook, then change how you act, something will always work. Also, besides BYC, having someone in real life that you can talk to is also helpful. With me, It's usually not my wife, because it feels easier to talk to an outsider. They'll have a more neutral opinion.

I'd also take some of the advice given about vitamins and supplements, as well as having your hormones checked. A wacky thyroid can cause issues just like estrogen and testosterone will.
LOL my dad did one about my life to make me feel better...and worse. LOL

Note, I said my DAD made this up...hence some of the "version 2" LOL

Version 1
Oh look at her, getting to be a teacher, changing all those lives -- she's really making a difference in the world! She's got all those cute animals, and oh...I wish I could have chickens too! She's lucky to have a big backyard. Oh look at her, she has that really handsome husband looks like Fred Flintstone! It's just not fair!

Version 2
Oh look at her, breaking her behind for those kids that could care less and torture her ass and just care about getting pregnant before getting out of high school. Those animals are sick, she's a psycho for having so many, and they cost her thousands of dollars she needs to be saving for herself. Can't she have kids? And as to those chickens -- why doesn't she have a farm instead of doing this in a big city? What a loser. Her boyfriend is so good looking, but he is so brain-dead and keeps screwing up his life and putting her off. She could do so much better.

( dad actually does like my boyfriend, and my bf IS really handsome...but he's done some things in the past few months that have seriously disappointed everyone who loves and cares about him.)
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Not to hijack this thread AT ALL, but I just had to take a quick second to say WOW, what a COOL website!!! I have been browsing it on & off all afternoon.. Thanx for posting it!!

And it *was* very uplifting to see people helping each other like that..

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