

13 Years
Nov 14, 2008
Northern Kentucky
I have a poult that was in the egg too long. Today is day three, and it is still alive, barely. It is wheezing like crazy. I’m sure due to being in the egg, and incubator so long, it I ngested, inhaled some fluids in to its lungs.
Anyone have any thoughts as to how to dry it out? It shakes its head like its trying to get something out. Wants to lay, and keep eyes shut most of the time. It also has absolutely no interest in eating or drinking.
What about lasics? Since it’s so young, and so small, I wouldn’t begin to know how to dose, but if I don’t try something, it will surely die.
Thanks for your help.
I am sorry....
are you saying it may have ingested some water "down the wrong pipe"?
I have a poult that was in the egg too long. Today is day three, and it is still alive, barely. It is wheezing like crazy. I’m sure due to being in the egg, and incubator so long, it Ingested, inhaled some fluids in to its lungs.
Anyone have any thoughts as to how to dry it out? It shakes its head like its trying to get something out. Wants to lay, and keep eyes shut most of the time. It also has absolutely no interest in eating or drinking.
What about lasics? Since it’s so young, and so small, I wouldn’t begin to know how to dose, but if I don’t try something, it will surely die.
Thanks for your help.
I assume you mean lasix which is a diuretic. If it inhaled liquid, giving it a diuretic will not help and may cause it even more stress. If it ingested liquids, that will not be a problem.
It has a wheezing sound, and shakes it’s head to get the moisture I’m seeing out of its nostrils. It’s not drinking, so I’m assuming it’s coming from somewhere inside. What can I do? Could it have a cold or an upper respiratory infection? I’m not quite sure of the anatomy of a turkey, but I do know somethings not right.
It has a wheezing sound, and shakes it’s head to get the moisture I’m seeing out of its nostrils. It’s not drinking, so I’m assuming it’s coming from somewhere inside. What can I do? Could it have a cold or an upper respiratory infection? I’m not quite sure of the anatomy of a turkey, but I do know somethings not right.
It is entirely possible that it accidentally inhaled some liquid. It can get by without eating or drinking for at least 48 hours after hatching. about the only thing that I would do is to keep it a the proper temperature, out of drafts and comfortable. Do not be surprised if you lose it. Being stuck in an egg shell for three days after pipping is extremely stressful and it is normal for it to be worn out and resting after such an ordeal.
Thanks! It wasn’t in the egg for three days. Today is the third day since its hatching. After it first pipped, it was in the egg without advancing for anout 12-15 hours. I peeled some of the shell off and zipped it around the top. It stayed in there another few hours and I ended up helping it out. There were no blood, and it appeared to be normal. The membrane was dried and rubbery.

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