Last female passed and her hubby left behind


Aug 24, 2020

We had 4 girls and 1 male originally.
Until this morning we had 1 male and 1 female left. Both 3 years and 4 months old.

This morning Pip the last girl passed in her sleep. Now just George is left and he is currently saying goodbye.

They are pets and live inside with us.

My query is, should I let George go live elsewhere with other hens (local lady has some outside quails) or should we keep him with us as he knows us etc but wont have a wife?

We had 4 girls and 1 male originally.
Until this morning we had 1 male and 1 female left. Both 3 years and 4 months old.

This morning Pip the last girl passed in her sleep. Now just George is left and he is currently saying goodbye.

They are pets and live inside with us.

My query is, should I let George go live elsewhere with other hens (local lady has some outside quails) or should we keep him with us as he knows us etc but wont have a wife?
If you're phasing out of quail, all that will happen with getting more females is having to deal with rehoming or outliving the new ones when he passes. In that case, I think he'll be okay. I had a single coturnix for a couple months after her mate passed away from old age, and she did just fine when she could still see the chickens and ducks.

If you're not phasing out of quail, I would try to get more females for him and just know you'll probably be looking for a male after he passes
If you're phasing out of quail, all that will happen with getting more females is having to deal with rehoming or outliving the new ones when he passes. In that case, I think he'll be okay. I had a single coturnix for a couple months after her mate passed away from old age, and she did just fine when she could still see the chickens and ducks.

If you're not phasing out of quail, I would try to get more females for him and just know you'll probably be looking for a male after he passes
Hiya, he lives in the living room with us (large vivarium) so has company. He is on the dining table so eats with us and comes out when we watch tv.

Can anything else be done to stop him being lonely?
Hiya, he lives in the living room with us (large vivarium) so has company. He is on the dining table so eats with us and comes out when we watch tv.

Can anything else be done to stop him being lonely?
You could try a mirror, but I'm not sure if an older male would welcome the (percieved) addition of another older male.

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