Last to hatch and having a hard time


6 Years
Nov 5, 2015
Melbourne Fl
This doesn't seem right since I watched a few hatch today, he's peeping and trying hard. I know you're not supposed to help. I just don't know what to do! :( Only my second hatch.
I know you're right, I won't help, just seems like he didn't quite cut the egg right or something. And the others just keep knocking him around
I'm a big assister if I think it's needed. And if that were my egg I'd assist. It looks as though the membranes are drying and that could be the main reason it hasn't been able to turn to zip. It all depends on how low it's been pipped and if the vascular system to the egg has shut down. It's very true that if you help at the wrong time that you can cause more damage than good, but like everything else there is a time to do and a time not to. At the least I would pull the egg and moisten the membranes and make sure that the inner membrane is not gluing the chick in place. Since it has been 6 hours, what has happened since the post?
If that's the last one. In fact, even if that was the first one, I'd help it.
I'd mist the membrane and break some of the shell off and keep doing that every hour until the bird is out.
There is still no change, I'm going to research a bit about how to help, thanks for the advice everyone. What should I use to break the egg?
I use tweazers and just chip away at the egg in a "zip" while keeping the membrane moist. IF you see any prominent veining or cause bleeding, stop immedietaly and put back. Thick veining is a sign it's not ready.

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