Last year was mites, this year fleas!

Robert G

5 Years
Jan 23, 2018
South Texas
So last year my flock had a battle against mites and I was able to get rid of them. This year, it's fleas! I had never had a flea issue before, now my flock has those little stick-tight fleas on their combs, wattles, eyes, and etc. I did spray their coops with pyrethrin and dusted their dust baths with poultry dust and it seems to be working, but their poor faces still have those darn little fleas. I read on here that you could use natural coconut oil or vaseline. Which is better and can someone post what coconut oil looks like and where to buy it if its the best way to go?
Hi there, sorry no one was able to respond, how is your flock doing?

Doing better. I'm still treating their coops and runs, but I haven't had the chance to use either item on their faces. I'm thinking I will most likely go with the coconut oil and see how it goes. Today I'm going to a pyrethrin spray in the coops to kill any newly hatched fleas.
Once you apply whatever you decide to use, coconut oil or vaseline, they will die in place and you'll have to pluck them out of the skin one by one. Stick tight fleas are a pain in the neck.

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